19 Questions 45 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Umer Asgher
Is there any scale to measure the performance of employees as well as the performance of the management in the organization. Is there any way or mean to measure the performance? performance and...
23 December 2014 1,804 12 View
Why the top managers / management bosses are highly paid ? why they are more authoritative ? apart from the fact that the technical team (engineers, doctors , scientists and project team) working...
09 September 2014 3,039 17 View
Generally It is absorbed that there exist a difference in choice for pets between male and female genders. Women mostly(not always) keep dogs as pets and men keeps birds , dogs , cats , horses and...
09 September 2014 8,386 10 View
We often come across the term super-Natural. The term is quite confusing as well as complicated. A lot of literature does exist and support the super natural existence but there is no solid...
10 July 2014 4,716 49 View
07 July 2014 7,203 49 View
Often it is seen that a profession is believe to be once passion. But at the same time parents and guardians got a vital influance in choice and selection of a profession and specially...
07 July 2014 8,795 9 View
Polypropylene (PP) is a polymer widely used in many industrial applications, including packaging solutions. In packaging applications, PP provides a barrier to moisture and other volatiles that...
20 June 2014 5,195 6 View
The combustion rate of paper is influenced by its structure and formulation, and modulating such properties should enable a way to control the rate at which combustion takes place under varying...
20 June 2014 7,333 2 View
I belong to a developing country, so I think it's a need of today. Improving the access to lifesaving medicines in low-income countries is a big challenge in general now a days. Injections can be...
20 June 2014 154 3 View
Individuals are flooded every day by thousands of news items from many different sources – blogs, feeds, internal reports, news services – yet only a small number of those items may be of interest...
15 June 2014 2,222 2 View
Most of the conferences and high reputed journal including ISI indexed and other high data base indexed conferences claim a high registration free and the publication fee from the authors.I want...
06 June 2014 7,043 8 View
I want to design a mathematical model in which the refractive index of a material is 0 or even negative. For this I need help in terms of any known naturally occurring material or synthetic...
06 June 2014 2,079 6 View
I am raising a question on a thought provoking idea that is probably addressed differently by each different person, culture and civilization ...'cause it is somewhat that deals with intangibles...
06 June 2014 346 3 View
06 June 2014 4,645 2 View
06 June 2014 3,956 8 View
How an impact factor and ISI indexed research journal or conference can be beneficial to a researcher whose research is published in that journal. I mean if my articles are published in ISI...
06 June 2014 2,418 1 View
The latest, novel and most on going active research activities and research topics in Industrial and System Engineering are required. These research topics are needed for fresh PhD students in my...
06 June 2014 1,552 20 View
An association and affiliation of a researcher with scientific and research societies like IEEE, SAIM, ASME, AAAS e.t.c increase his or her research or academic credibility and reputation?
06 June 2014 5,608 8 View
03 June 2014 2,931 6 View