33 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sanjeev Gupta
Here is commercial TiO2 (Rutile sample) , I am facing a problem fitting 110 reflection peak as its quite relative intensity in MAUD software. I have used some guidance that was provided by a few...
22 November 2022 7,819 3 View
I have prepared solid sol by taking 14 mol% Ytterbium in Titania. I know the Yb3+(0.860 Angstrom) radii is quite large compare to Ti4+(0.605 Angstrom). I did not observed any peak shift when I...
08 September 2022 7,060 1 View
I have recorded EPR spectra of Tempo in benzene and I got one signal and when I recorded for Tempol I got 3 signals. I am unable to understand both have single NO radical why the difference is...
25 January 2020 1,921 2 View
If some has literature or article where it is mentioned How many no. of corner and edge share per unit cell in a TiO2 (B) Bronze phase of TiO2. Anatase, Brookite and Rutile is well known but...
28 November 2019 2,498 2 View
When we are doing XPS spectra fitting of Ti 2p the peak coming at higher binding energy shows different FHWM and in some research articles, they are not considering FWHM as constant during fitting...
13 October 2019 3,515 2 View
If the XRD data is recorded at Wavelength such as =0.688 Angstrom and I want to do refine the parmeter of XRD pattern for that purpose I need CIF file from the data. How I can choose the file...
06 December 2017 7,330 4 View
I am having a mixed phase system I want to index a ring pattern of electron diffraction pattern but I am unable to find the value matching. please any one explain. I am attaching here JCPDS of...
27 August 2017 4,997 3 View
If I know the refined cell parameters of XRD pattern with significant digit like a= 3.789456(12) and 9.3345(5) how do I multiply them to get correct value of Volume= a2 c (angstrom) with...
19 August 2017 4,797 7 View
We can calculate the phase percentage like anatase 75% and rutile 25% in evonik degussa P-25 but how we can calculate the amorphous percentage and if Amorphous percentage is there how we can fit it.
12 August 2017 7,309 2 View
How do I calculate as I remember rxd=lx wavelength as I have to choose r as diameter or radius from center ? and that camera constant value?. Please explain
03 August 2017 9,312 3 View
In N2 sorption isotherm is it like typical Type IV and Type III isotherm mixed and the hysteresis which it is following is H3 hysteresis is it correct? It is not saturating also what kind of...
30 July 2017 3,785 3 View
How I can generate final result output file after getting winplot.
25 May 2017 7,013 2 View
Different sample will absorb different portion of UV,visible and IR portion, Is that possible to calculate the percentage of each portion, how much UV light in (%) is absorbed or visible light or...
21 April 2017 9,449 3 View
Please find the attached figure and paper Why when we doped Yb broad peak is coming not intense peaks are coming which sites Yb is going to occupied it size is too bigger as compare to tiania...
30 March 2017 1,389 3 View
Why small angle XRD pattern shows peaks for hexagonal and cubic symmetric structure like SBA-15, MCM-41. Reflection at 100, 110 and 200
22 February 2017 715 1 View
I am doing water splitting experiment, I have to calculate Quantum efficiency for hydrogen evolution so how I can know the no. of incident photons coming from source. (a) Did I have to put...
25 November 2016 8,761 3 View
This surfactant is used to prepare mesoporous TiO2. I am attaching paper in which I highlighted the part it is used for 3D structure and bought from DOW chemical. Chemical...
03 September 2016 1,523 1 View
I am attaching two files one is commercial P-25 (P-25 WT) and other is containing defects like Ov and Ti3+ centres (sanjeev P-25 BL file) generated that are confirmed from XPS and EPR. How to...
03 May 2016 6,765 5 View
If structure like Titania having crystalline core and disordered layer or amorphous with specific surface area get decrease from 50 m2/g to 30 m2/g. definetly its particle size will increase but...
29 November 2015 2,991 2 View
After doing refinement up to what digit my data is signify and more appropriate for lattice parameter, density which we got from refinement it is up to two digit after decimal or at 3 digit place...
27 November 2015 4,769 5 View
In my TiO2 all three phases are present. Can any one help to suggest how to refine all three phases (Anatase, Brookite and Rutile) where anatase is present in major ratio but on loading all cif...
30 September 2015 9,939 8 View
If I am taking 10 mmol Tempol than to calculate no. of spin concentration is to (10*6.02*1023)/1000=6.02*1021 so no. of spin present are = 6.02*1021 Is it correct? Tempol contained one unpaired...
15 September 2015 5,354 4 View
The ratio beteen Ti3+/Ti4+ they have calculated in paper 14% by the peak area and than they calculated concentration of Oxygen vacancy 3% I am not getting how they have done it. Please give your...
31 August 2015 2,079 3 View
P-25 give better results as compare to mesoporous TiO2 without loading any cocatalyst even recombination rate for mesoporous TiO2 is less as compare to P-25. Although it may be not that much...
05 March 2015 3,659 7 View
that Z is no. of atom in a unit Cell or denoting scale factor or it is something else. I am using GSAS Software which is free available Please tell me, I am attaching one file I have done the...
18 February 2015 865 9 View
Generally we are taking raman spectra upto 100 to 800 cm-1 but material is disordered you will get peak for Ti-H peaks at 1200-1600 cm-1 also but at the same region place carbon is also giving the...
23 December 2014 7,640 6 View
Structures like NaTaO3 & InVO4 are stable and compact. Is that the reason doping or creating vacancy is difficult?
09 December 2014 1,059 4 View
In literature TiO2 is giving less than 1% H2 Production under UV light and P-25 is the benchmark for photocatalysts without loading any cocatalyst that synergic effect of rutile and anatase phase...
01 December 2014 8,132 2 View
Generally we will say if less than 1% hetroatom is doped than its a doping but if it is more than 1% than its a substituion and its behaviour will change. But, if you calculate XRF it will not...
27 November 2014 6,930 3 View
If anatase, rutile and Brookite phases are present, how would you calculate the percentage? Is there any software available like Rietveld Analysis?
27 November 2014 6,182 3 View
Dear Sir, Please anyone can send me CIF file. I have screenshot which has take on Expert highscore software. Kindly Please check and send file. Thanks for your support.
01 January 1970 5,092 1 View
Recently, Black titania are reported in literature , We know Ti3+ ion is blue in colour and atlast only Ti3+ ion will generate in TiO2 lattice so how this originate Black colour. However...
01 January 1970 3,531 3 View
I found signal get quenched in H-TiO2 blue in colour. What coud be reason signal get quenched on going to low temperature? I would like to know when signal can be quenched or signal intensity get...
01 January 1970 1,424 2 View