28 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Salman Ul Islam
Hello All! I am trying to generate HCT 116 stable cell line. I studied many protocols and proceeded as follow: 1) I cultured cells in 6 wells plates at density of 5 x 10^5. 2) At 70% confluency,...
11 November 2016 9,922 4 View
Hello, I am going to generate a mammalian stable cell line, over expressed with PRPF4B. For this purpose I am looking for PRPF4B (NM_003913) Human cDNA Clone, in Neomycin/Hygromycin resistant...
06 June 2016 9,816 1 View
I am trying to collect macrophages from the mouse blood, but till now I am unable to do this perfectly. I feel following problems and need some recommendations: 1) Blood in mouse is very less,...
11 November 2015 9,626 2 View
Hello everyone, As you can see in the picture, I have run two samples on SDS-Page, and signals have been detected by PARP antibody. Control has no band, while the treated sample is giving band,...
06 June 2015 9,234 8 View
I am in search of recommendations about stable transfection of HCT-15 cells regarding selection of vector and antibiotic. It's my first time with this experiment and and I am searching a suitable...
06 June 2015 2,952 2 View
Please look at the attached photo. I have tried to develop MMP-3 band in HL-60 and HCT-15 cells. Usually i get the dark black backgroung, although i do the washing for about 1 h with 5 and 10...
05 May 2015 5,957 9 View
Hello All, I want to work with Decursin angelate, but i am not able to find it commercially by some company. Can any one tell me about its commercial availability?
03 March 2015 8,712 0 View
I would like to isolate cell membrane proteins from human colorectal cancer cells (HCT-15) and human leukemia cells (HL-60). I am in search of a suitable protocol. I have to order all the...
03 March 2015 7,688 8 View
Everybody knows that antibodies are so costly, ranging from 150-300 USD/antibody.These are available in 100-500 ul quantity. I want to test a cell signaling pathway, for which i need 5-10...
02 February 2015 3,715 7 View
We know that flow cytometer giving us a histogram of cell cycle, uses some data from individual cells. Often these are FCS files. I mean that flow cytometer records the fluorescence of individual...
02 February 2015 7,628 2 View
I am going to check the PGE2 secretion by using Prostaglandin E2 Express EIA KIT, cayman chemical. I am using it for the first time, so little hesitated. I have four samples, as below: (1) Control...
02 February 2015 8,252 2 View
I want to over-express integrin alpha v Beta 3 in cancer cells line. Does anyone have a suitable protocol for this?
01 January 2015 2,143 4 View
I have to study apoptosis inducing effect of certain drugs (in HCT-15 cells) which have been reported for interactions with integrins. Currently I have little knowledge about the presence...
01 January 2015 6,561 1 View
I am checking the apoptosis-inducing effect of a drug on a colon cancer cell line. I have to check the apoptotic pathway proteins by western blot. Please suggest which main proteins I should check...
11 November 2014 9,339 14 View
I am looking for apoptosis-inducing effect of a compound on a cell line. I have stained the cells with DAPI+ Rhodamine 123 for checking apoptotic nuclei and affected mitochondria. From the images,...
10 October 2014 8,505 15 View
I want to know about the depth of cell signaling keeping cell death and cell survival pathways as my topic of interest and research. Your recommendations about books, review articles and chapters...
09 September 2014 5,016 4 View
I want to check the production of ROS by using DCF-DA as indicator in Colon cancer cells. What is the optimum time after which a drug starts the generation of ROS? 30 min, 1 hr, 6 hr 12 hrs, 24...
09 September 2014 630 11 View
Through MTT assay, i observed that a drug is causing cell death. Now to confirm the cell death pathway, i am expanding my study. I want to check the ROS generation using DCFDA as indicator. In MTT...
09 September 2014 5,029 5 View
As all of you are familiar with MTT assay as it is done for the checking the viability of cells after treatment with a test drug/compound. Given below is a table of MTT assay for a test drug,...
09 September 2014 2,296 17 View
I am conducting MTT assay of HCT-15 cells using a drug; concentration is 10uM. I am getting 75-80% cell viability. Actually i want to induce apoptosis in these by using this drug, but my professor...
09 September 2014 10,077 16 View
Hello, I want to work with Resveratrol against some cancer cells. I want to know your experience about its Non-toxic dose by using MTT, its solubilty and some other things. Please let me know if...
09 September 2014 1,507 12 View
Usually cancer cells have some unique features which are not present in normal cells, for example mutated p53 etc. So i want to know about such unique receptor in HCT-15 cells to which normal...
09 September 2014 6,892 4 View
I arranged References for a chapter in Number system [1], [2]...... [182], made a file a saved. Then for checking the duplication of references, i arranged these in Alphabetic manner, there were...
08 August 2014 4,550 2 View
I have cultured HCT-15 (Adherent), colon cancer cells in 35mm cell culture dish, having 5ml of RPMI-1640 media. I have to treat these with 10uM of a drug. The stock concentration of drug (C1) is...
08 August 2014 4,853 34 View
A drug is down regulating, for example, p53 protein when 2 x 10^5 cells are treated with 10uM of the drug.Would we get the same response of that drug if cell density is 5 x 10^5? Does cell density...
08 August 2014 662 24 View
For example i have a solution of a compound having lambda max at 307nm. I want to know the concentration of this solution. Can i calculate by using UV Spectrophotometer? Please help.
08 August 2014 1,916 6 View
I want to treat different cell lines with the drugs soluble in 100% ethanol, so want to know about the safe concentration of 100% ethanol.
07 July 2014 3,912 3 View
Hello All, I have done some experiments; checking the inhibitory effect of a drug (Dose-response data). I got Non-linear scatter values as usual. So now, how can I calculate the IC50 value? Can...
01 January 1970 3,255 1 View