36 Questions 205 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rumani Dey
In a closed room , a candle lights up a certain area. Or a tubelight lights up the room. Intensity of light or light just got scattered? We will differentiate it cause it's scattered equally in...
13 September 2023 4,412 1 View
We aren't using current directly in an obsessive way. We are using products run by electric current. Any opinion on this.
09 November 2019 5,587 10 View
If I draw 2 concentric circles and place it before you can you figure out which was drawn first. Similarly is the egg 🥚 of a bird created first or the bird came first to lay eggs?
01 January 1970 6,759 5 View
What things you should be careful about when you are a scientist? Debate which manipulates you unprofessionally should be avoided.
01 January 1970 3,191 10 View
Plants die too . What is death in plants? Their body withers away. But when do the plants stop breathing? We don't really know or have understood this. Death changes color of plants from green to...
01 January 1970 2,506 4 View
What is that unique sentence which describes a computer? The pattern is the syntax
01 January 1970 8,295 6 View
What is laughter? It is an expression that is present in us as a package and is effortless.When information conveyed to us is automatically processed by our mind and deemed as funny within a...
01 January 1970 9,849 15 View
Does it depend on age, gender, environment, recently occurring condition of the person, any addiction. Thought is independent and out of control of human.
01 January 1970 4,894 15 View
Please dont provide formulae simply. Provide the logic of origination of differential and integral calculus.
01 January 1970 8,107 19 View
An entity completes travelling through a path in 86400 seconds and in the process radiates something it carries at the speed of 300000metres / second(found experimentally) . What can we deduce...
01 January 1970 7,118 20 View
Pi is circumference/ diameter. I tried with prime nos on radar graph and found a set of prime nos add upto 29. I took the differences of the adjacent nos and plotted the graph again. They add upto...
01 January 1970 757 26 View
Our body has heat . We decay when we die. Stones are cold and are their sizes are not affected by heat. Can you tell me objects which don't expand with heat.
01 January 1970 8,077 16 View
Mass/ volume= density. Now i can keep a cube of ice of 1kilogam in a container whose volume is 1cubic metre. I can also keep the same ice cube in liquid form in the same container. I will get...
01 January 1970 3,441 4 View
We have read that in photosynthesis plants absorb water and carbon dioxide in presence of sunlight releasing glucose and oxygen. This is the chemical formula. What is the physics behind this...
01 January 1970 3,000 2 View
Energy flows from higher level to lower level as per our science books. How far does this hold true?
01 January 1970 9,947 12 View
As researchers and learned people and economists all over the world, what do you think is the reason why India isn't doing good in science or performing well as a 1st world country is?
01 January 1970 470 4 View
A common feeling in the skin or below the skin- tissues . Pain arises due to a force applied beyond our tolerance externally or internally through any ingrowth inside. Illness is just getting rid...
01 January 1970 2,098 17 View
Do flowers exhibit sound of any frequency? Lightning has a sound which we can't create artificially. We can create current which is inaudible. What should or can be done to make the violet colour...
01 January 1970 7,666 7 View
The other day i saw a picture of a galaxy inside galaxy. I can create a galaxy through a radar graph but couldn't in creating a galaxy inside galaxy. Is there any theory to support this...
01 January 1970 9,682 19 View
Except some insects , some microbes the colour of our tissues or muscles is pink. Pink is not there in the spectrum. Now any idea why ? Insects feed on flowers or other insects. The ant feeds on...
01 January 1970 1,579 1 View
We lose memory with time. So, at the age of 50 how much memory of events and people have you lost ? What is the probability and set theory representation of this event ? Is it possible to remember...
01 January 1970 8,204 3 View
A piece of paper is a 2D object though it contains negligible thickness. Can anyone provide with more examples of 2D objects around us?
01 January 1970 1,117 5 View
Why is light expensive for universe?
01 January 1970 4,832 17 View
Do you think your life is much difficult rather than others alongside you? How much has your difficult life contributed to your intellect? You might be earning less but that doesn't mean your life...
01 January 1970 6,496 16 View
We cannot contain time. We have a time frame within which a vehicle covers a linear distance or the sun rises agaib. I see time as an infinity- that which is neverendingly moving forward and we...
01 January 1970 7,961 10 View
I am listening to music yet thinking of my work while frying something in oil. There were 39 pieces which I could successfully fry in approximately 35 minutes. The pieces were not all of same...
01 January 1970 7,145 1 View
An apple can be sliced to give discrete number of pieces. If we wish to go back in time by 1 second, we will actually consume 2 future seconds. Why do we have even numbers in the series?
01 January 1970 5,627 7 View
We can remove ovary , an eye, ear drum, and a kidney and still live. Maybe we can remove the left lung and survive as well. I want to be forever fertile.
01 January 1970 8,039 10 View
I found an example. Through ageing of living bodies Could you figure out more examples?
01 January 1970 8,800 1 View
Which is the missing colour in the spectrum when it's sunlight? Is it blue? Misplaced location of the coordinates/ misplaced sun and earth gives a solar eclipse/ straight line. What if the rainbow...
01 January 1970 5,558 0 View
Vehicles have wheels. How do we find rocket wheel? Isn't the rocket on wheel? Doesn't space deserve wheel? What's your dream wheel? Mine are- Flying sharks, Drones delivering food, Birds...
01 January 1970 3,688 1 View
Till how much time can blood be stored in external atmosphere after extracting it from the body?
01 January 1970 3,810 0 View
If our dreams come true as for some intuitive people , can see future. If that event be function of real numbers, which nos will they be. 37, 73 or multiples of 11?
01 January 1970 5,165 8 View
My veins are violet, the varicose ones
01 January 1970 5,051 4 View
When we try to look at the sun, its an intolerable feeling for the eyes. The eyes are not allowed to see the source but to see objects. When something goes in our eyes, its an intolerable feeling...
01 January 1970 2,133 1 View
What if i have metal pipes or electric wires running through each other in knots ? Will i be able to defy gravity ? Will i be able to get magnetic field created ? Any idea where will i land ? We...
01 January 1970 6,048 6 View