'Violet' to you, me, or anybody? 'Things' is really broad, from individual atoms like the element neon, everyday painted objects, to fields, lakes, and forests. Maybe also consider the path of light to our eye, is the object considered being illuminated with light reflecting or is it emitting light itself? So, any given object's 'violet-ness' may be a triadic relationship between the object, the universe, and the observer. Violet is special because it is at the perceptual precipice, the edge of the spectrum humans can see ( but not so with other species Article Photoreception and vision in the ultraviolet
then there is the gender lexical issue: https://blog.xkcd.com/2010/05/03/color-survey-results/ :-)
I think violet / purple are my favourite colours. And love to see little wild violets. This is how to grow the cultivated varieties but they resemble the wild ones: