43 Questions 180 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohamad-Hani Temsah
Regarding the disposable N95 masks, for how long can we use it in case of severe shortage in stocks: few hours? Days? Can it be sterilized/decontaminated with some devices like UV?
29 February 2020 7,018 8 View
With the new COVID-19 outbreaks and shortages of N95 masks: what are the alternatives for the healthcare workers (doctors, dentists, nurses, RTs) who may be in close contact with potential...
26 February 2020 9,606 10 View
Based on the previous SARS and MERS-CoV outbreaks, do you think that the 2019-NCOV affect your research team and work flow? What advise would you like to share with other researchers?
02 February 2020 3,042 9 View
For patients who may have OAS: How to differentiate between oral allergy syndrome (OAS) and irritation due to spicy foods?...
10 August 2019 4,257 0 View
As a natural history in manuscript submissions, receiving rejection letters is a potential for the peer review process. After the initial "shock" or refractory period, that is hopefully brief,...
29 April 2019 1,253 33 View
Can you recommend a validated Quality of Life assessment tool for patients (especially children) with mono symptomatic nocturnal enuresis? Thank you.
10 April 2019 1,623 2 View
In the new Era of modern technology and research, what are the possibilities of researchers' collaboration with 3D printing options?
17 March 2019 5,656 12 View
Anyone interested in exploring novel ways of monitoring the appropriate position of endotracheal tube (ETT) in mechanically ventilated ICU patients? Traditionally this is done with repeated Chest...
21 February 2019 443 11 View
Human multitasking is our ability to do more than one task at the same time. Is this theme applicable in your research field? Will you consider running parallel research projects by the same...
01 January 1970 9,808 8 View
Yesterday the severe weather affected many tourists in some European countries. Do you think global warming would affect tourism? What can be done to alleviate such consequences?
01 January 1970 3,735 13 View
As health care advocates for children, pediatric staff and family medicine have to alert parents and older children about the risk of potential nicotine use among children and teenagers. Several...
01 January 1970 9,562 5 View
IELTS test (academic version) most challenging part is the writing part, even for the English native speakers. Do you think that people who achieve better results in the IELTS Writing part do...
01 January 1970 8,084 25 View
Many studies demonstrate the associations between sugary drinks and health care risks, such as obesity, diabetes and cancer. Should these associations be well reported to the consumers, as a...
01 January 1970 1,809 17 View
I was told that pure, original honey is safe for diabetic patients. Is this true? What about if those bees were fed artificial sweet syrup/glucose based?
01 January 1970 3,557 11 View
Please share your insights and references on the scientifically proven health benefits of honey. Is there a difference between honey types in this regards? Is it true that diabetic patients can...
01 January 1970 3,255 19 View
From research and literature, are non-ripe fruits good or bad for our health? Is this true for all the fruit types, or is it different from one to another? (i e some good, some bad, some neutral)?
01 January 1970 6,005 3 View
Traditionally the driving license is issued to adults 18 years of age or older, who pass the theoretical and practical test of the issuing authorities. However, what about if the self driven cars...
01 January 1970 3,183 15 View
From scientific point of view, do bacteria have pain perception? If yes, what are the more "humane" bacteriocidals and antiseptics?
01 January 1970 8,128 23 View
Some research associates some diseases with either sleeping with lights on versus total darkness. This could be just a correlation without cause and effect relationship. In your opinion; whicuis...
01 January 1970 4,849 11 View
Keeping compliant with the safety measures, and from your real life experience: What do you think is more productive at your Lab: bright or dim light? Why?
01 January 1970 7,755 4 View
With the increase in temperatures, there is increase in the sweat-lost water and minerals. However, in the regular diet, it is recommended to avoid excessive intake of salt, as it is associated...
01 January 1970 9,659 19 View
Hi Tech? Internet Of Things integration? Efficient work flow? Off campus working abilities? 24/7 functionality? Flexibility? How would you define a "Smart Work Environment"?
01 January 1970 917 3 View
If you are the principal investigator and notice conflict of interest between two of your coauthors, how would you manage it?
01 January 1970 8,103 3 View
If Artificial Intelligence dominates the world, will the interpretation of ethical standards change?
01 January 1970 1,162 5 View
Research needs appropriate and accurate data collection. For the research team with data collectors, should they be invited to join the authorship?
01 January 1970 7,003 55 View
Is there any research validating the accuracy of the articles in Wikipedia? If not available yet, is such research doable?
01 January 1970 5,105 4 View
Microtrauma is a general term given to small injuries to the body. The injuries mechanism may affect the management plans. Is the mechanism of injuries in microtrauma similar to that of other...
01 January 1970 9,422 7 View
With the summer time and travels, people are at higher risk of food-borne disease, especially the gastroenteritis and traveller's diarrhea. How to reduce such risk?
01 January 1970 6,621 5 View
Are you aware of research-proven natural remedies that can be used to prevent mosquitoes bites (repellent), either by local application or consuming more amount of such food? What about after the...
01 January 1970 697 19 View
As previous research indicates that the bilingual people are more resilient to dementia, developing several years after the monolingual, so is it a proportional correlation? Is more languages...
01 January 1970 5,202 9 View
While there are several types of toothbrush models and shapes, which is actually better? Is there evidence that the use of vibrating (battery-powered) toothbrush better than the regular toothbrush?
01 January 1970 9,885 5 View
I heard from colleague dentist that salt and water are a good remedy for gingivitis. What is the better mouth wash for gingivitis: chlorhexidin or hypertonic saline? If so, which concentration?
01 January 1970 6,553 6 View
I was previously told by my dentist that tea contains high fluoride, therefore drinking more of it (without sugar) can help protect teeth from caries. On the other hand, as many people prefer to...
01 January 1970 2,800 11 View
Hot summer: cold and sweet watermelon is a good idea! My question is; is there a scientifically proven method to pick which watermelon is the best to buy? 🍉🤔 I tried some of the "traditional"...
01 January 1970 5,367 7 View
College students seem under a lot of psychological pressure to boost their academic performance. However, while some pressure can improve their overall grade, such stress can also trigger...
01 January 1970 5,454 4 View
Is there any research on what is the most healthy way to sleep for humans: on the back/supine, prone, right side or left side? Why?
01 January 1970 9,483 11 View
I watched a documentary, "Rotten", that explored the various methods of honey adulteration. The high demand for honey with the sharp decline in honeybees are a concern. Seems such practice of...
01 January 1970 1,560 10 View
Occasionally we used to have transcutaneous CO2 monitors for selected ICU patients, especially those who are ventilated with HFOV. However, with its poor correlation with the blood gas analysis...
01 January 1970 3,432 13 View
Osteopathic medicine versus traditional medical care: are the outcomes similar? What does the literature say?
01 January 1970 6,465 1 View
As compared to the "traditional" intracoastal chest tube that are inserted at the bed side for ICU patients to drain pneumothorax / pleural effusion. In the last years some ICUs have been using...
01 January 1970 2,875 4 View
In the assessment of the normal child, several developmental scales (such as DDST II) are used to identify if the child is developing normal milestones. The aim is early identification and...
01 January 1970 2,166 2 View
When looking for a relaxing place to stay, the sea view is always advantageous.. What is the fascinating thing for humans about watching the sea view and horizon?
01 January 1970 5,669 7 View
What I heard from my neurology colleague, that migraine is usually a diagnosis by exclusion. That means if your physician suspects you have migraine, other investigations will be done to exclude...
01 January 1970 8,927 5 View