27 Questions 76 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mahdi Abdeddaim
Dear colleagues, greeting I'm working on a new type of controller that can substitute the classical controllers such as LQR (linear quadratic regulator). Hence, I want to know more about the...
03 March 2018 3,394 7 View
Greeting, I'm asking this general question for teachers and professors in all fields. With the advances of technologies and communication technics the exclusivity of the scientific information...
02 February 2018 1,077 12 View
Greeting to all researchers; I'm using a set of a near-fault, far-fault earthquakes in a study, and I want to use the Christchurch earthquake record. However, I'm confused about the fault nature...
12 December 2017 6,534 5 View
Dear researchers; I'm working on modelling a share frame structure in MATLAB the only parameters I have are: mass, stiffness and damping. and I want to design a base isolator for this kind of...
01 January 2017 8,941 4 View
Dear researchers; I'm trying to apply some semi-active control on a 3D building excited with uni-directional or bi-directional excitations, with and without eccentricity (rotational degree of...
06 June 2016 6,339 2 View
Dear researchers I've submitted a paper and got the feedback from the reviewers, on of the reviewers is asking for "the verification of the results in the proposed study" How can I deal with this...
04 April 2016 2,202 4 View
Dear researchers; I've seen a lot of research scholar complaining about getting their work rejected by some reviewers, just because those researchers don't want some else to publish in their...
01 January 2016 10,016 4 View
Dear researchers; What is the difference between corrected and uncorrected earthquakes ? Warm regards.
01 January 2016 5,803 0 View
Dear researchers; I want to model a 3D multi-storey building and submit it to earthquake, and then I want to solve the equation of motion of the building under the earthquake load. How can I do...
12 December 2015 770 9 View
dear researchers I want to apply harmonic sine load to 2 story building frame. Building is going to model in Ansys/Abaqus and this for time history analysis of the structure. also suggest which...
12 December 2015 2,913 5 View
Dear researchers ; Does anyone knows a good software for modeling and controling semi-active devices, such MR damper, ER damper, STMD? Kind regards
04 April 2015 8,297 10 View
Dear researchers, I'm trying to avoid pounding between to adjacent building using coupling strategy, I start working on scaled structures, and now I need to apply my strategy on a large scale...
03 March 2015 4,315 3 View
Dear researchers, I'm working on vibration control in buildings, actually I'm using Simulink (matlab) to model the MR damper behaviour and it application in buildings but I want to know if there...
03 March 2015 3,205 9 View
Dear researchers,I'm using state space toolbox in Simulink to solve multi degrees of freedom equation of motion [multi story building under seismic excitation], and I'm introducing a MR damper...
03 March 2015 4,282 9 View
Dear researchers, I want to use a matlab code to calculate building desplacement velocity and accleration (ender earthquake), then send the displacement and velocity to a MR damper model in...
01 January 2015 9,894 9 View
Dear researchers I'm trying to write a program for the Multi-degrees of freedom system using the Newmark-beta method, for the system displacement U: U = q * {phi}T I want to know how to calculate...
01 January 2015 2,503 5 View
Hello Dear resaerchers ; I'm traying to solve a mouvement equation of MDOF mouvement building, this building is equiped with MR dampers so the mouvement equation is in this...
01 January 2015 4,375 3 View
Dear researchers; I made a programme in MATLAB code, to solve the mouvement equation of MDOF structure using Newmark beta methode, the programme is working perfectly in MATLAB but once intrduced...
01 January 2015 1,883 7 View
I'm using Simulink for modeling a MR damper, when I use my model (the damper) to control the response of a building it shows an error in one of my integrators in MR damper model when I change this...
01 January 2015 1,324 2 View
Hello Dear researchers: In a mouvement equation for a multistory building how we determine the {r} vectore or [r] matrix that distribute the ground acceleration on each floor (see the...
01 January 2015 9,076 9 View
Dear researchers; I need to build a state space model for a three storey building in Simulink MATLAB: the equation of motion of the building is given by: Mx'' + Cx' + Kx = Tf - MAx''gThe building...
12 December 2014 913 10 View
Hello; Can any one provide me with the 3 story Benchmark Model ?I want to intrduce a MR damper with a control algorithme I made [On SIMULINK Matlab] to the 3 story benchmark model best regards
12 December 2014 9,398 1 View
Dear Researchers; I'm trying to create my one control algorithm using fuzzy logic, applied on a semi active magneto-rheological damper implemented in a 3 story structure, any help with this...
12 December 2014 4,057 2 View
hello; I am trying to reproduce equations in the attached paper to creat a SIMULINK model for a Large scale Magneto-rhological damper, in the page 318, equation N° (40) they talk about a first...
11 November 2014 1,938 13 View
In several articles that use scaled models, they always talk about this: "Because the system under consideration is a scaled model, the earthquake must be reproduced at five times the recorded...
10 October 2014 1,884 8 View
I am using SIMULINK to simulate a structure reaction and i'm using a reduced scale model structure. I want to know how to reduce the seismic data so it can be adapted to my reduced scale model so...
10 October 2014 1,060 4 View
Hello; I am using SIMULINK for modeling and simulation of the behavior of a magneto-rheological damper MR damper, I am using an equation proposed by Spencer et al, when I finished the modeling of...
10 October 2014 6,245 4 View