30 Questions 54 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Harindra Sathkumara
Could anyone suggest the best commercially available microbe gDNA extraction kit ? We would like to extract the microbe gDNA from mouse lung tissues and stool samples for downstream microbiome...
09 September 2018 5,920 4 View
I have calculated the relative expression ratio for my GOI between few different groups using REST 2009. I understand REST 2009, itself generates a Box-whisker plot and certain number of data...
11 November 2015 7,798 1 View
I have patients and controls who share exactly the same heterozygous mutation in one of their protein. Controls are obviously healthy- So my plan is to see which allele is prominent when it come...
09 September 2015 8,953 7 View
I'm interested in generating a figure similar to A in the attached image. Can anyone suggest a software which can be used to generate such. Thanks Harindra
04 April 2015 9,946 7 View
I'd like to see if either microRNA or siRNA affects the translation of my gene of interest (protein). I understand that there are kits which detect small RNAs from total RNAs but how can I...
12 December 2014 425 7 View
Beacon designer is quite a sophisticated primer and probe designing tool which is available commercially. Anyone to suggest me a free alternative that can do almost the same or closer? Thanks
11 November 2014 10,005 5 View
I have recently done an analysis to detect genomic alternations in patients and healthy controls. Entire coding region from the gene of interest was sequenced using bi-directional sanger...
11 November 2014 3,038 1 View
Can somebody explain to me how exactly to chose the right substitution model in BEAST? I understand there are some modelling softwares that suggest the most appropriate model. But what in general...
09 September 2014 9,151 3 View
I have a couple of peptides (epitopes) with corresponding HLA alleles. Any possibility that I can visualise the structure of HLA alleles along with the bound epitope and to see how the epitope...
09 September 2014 1,652 9 View
Anyone to suggest a good safety glass brand or a model to use in a biological lab. I found couples of UVEX glasses, but I'm not sure they're appropriate to use in a bio lab. They actually do...
08 August 2014 789 2 View
Please assit if it is possible to do a multiple DNA sequence alignment using Needleman– Wunsch algorithm like we do with ClustalW.
07 July 2014 7,999 12 View
I'm looking for a good software (free and/or commercial) to analyse my sample sequences with a refseq and see if there are any mutations, or the translated protein is affected. The software should...
06 June 2014 10,003 9 View
I understand that the description of the product says it's suitable for any molecular biology application. The only doubt I have is that, most of other reagent companies only offer like 100ml for...
06 June 2014 3,653 5 View
Is it even possible to restore and reuse buffy coat for PCRs and also for flow cytometry?
06 June 2014 1,624 4 View
I have few sequence alignments (ClustalW) in .nex format and I simply need to construct a phylogenetic tree using MCMC. Please note I am not a bioinformatic guy nor familiar with all the...
06 June 2014 611 7 View
I have a couple of primer sets and am interested in calculating their theoretical annealing temperature before the actual optimization. I understand we can use +-5C of Tm gradient and find the...
05 May 2014 5,536 11 View
I've tried many web based apps available online to calculate the Tm and each one of them were producing completely distinct results which had caused me so much confusion. I've got 5 sets of...
04 April 2014 3,075 5 View
I have 20 patients and I'm in a process of selecting the minimum number of age, sex-matched controls in order produce a statistically significant comparison at the end of the study. My intentions...
04 April 2014 1,497 12 View
Has anyone used this attached protocol before? It seems easy but they have only used that for sheep blood. Do you think it would work with human blood as they have suggested?
03 March 2014 1,683 17 View
I'm planning to extract genomic DNA from whole blood using a commercially available kit (Preferably QIamp) and then do a PCR reaction to amplify the gene of interest. I am not a molecular biology...
03 March 2014 6,738 14 View
I am planning to run some of the PCR products on a gel to identify the products of interest, perform a gel extraction, and do sequencing. My products of interest will be approximately around...
03 March 2014 7,626 18 View
I am just wondering how possibly a mutation can cause any impact on splicing of a mRNA. I have this gene with 5 exons and I will be amplifying those exons for downstream sequencing...
01 January 2014 4,778 7 View
I am planning to do a PCR assay to amplify a targeted gene, run it on an agarose gel, extract it and send it for sequencing. I am just wondering whether it is essential to purify the PCR products...
01 January 2014 1,819 12 View
I am planning to do a study where I'll be analysing few mutations and there contribution to a specific disease. All I need is to draw a pedigree chart where I might need to include and represent...
01 January 2014 2,578 1 View
I am looking for a web-based or computer based software which can be utilised to draw kind of a flow chart which graphically represents the zygosity and disease condition among the family members...
12 December 2013 3,823 1 View
I am planning to do a sequencing of a surface receptor on B cells and If I'll manage to find a novel mutation, I would like to know how to classify it as a pathogenic or harmless? (Simplest Way)
11 November 2013 7,196 25 View
I am planning to detect the surface expression of ICOS from PBMC. I need to know an exact methodology to activate T cells invitro to stimulate ICOS expression. Please assist.
10 October 2013 6,722 10 View
I will have like 20 patients' blood samples in EDTA which I'd like to preserve for PCR later. I need to know for how long would it be possible to preserve that blood in EDTA and at which...
10 October 2013 6,764 16 View
I am planning to detect few of B and T cell specific protein expression via flow cytomteric analysis. I've seen many has isolated PBMCs prior staining, however I know we can still stain and lyse...
10 October 2013 6,406 8 View
I am intending to do a sequencing of a gene and to detect possible mutations in the coding region. I've seen many commercial software which are much more complex to use. What I need is a free,...
10 October 2013 1,820 5 View