33 Questions 37 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arvind Kumar GOYAL
One of my known claims to have been granted a German Patent in 23 days. Is it really possible to obtain a German Patent in such short interval of time?
05 December 2022 6,542 6 View
Can anyone tell me the procedure to apply for German Patent? How long does it take grant the patent?
10 November 2022 3,234 2 View
As we know that guide plays a vital role in the entire tenure of research leading to PhD, what are the qualities a scholar must look into consideration while selecting a guide?
20 September 2020 2,731 18 View
While going through some publications on Polyherbal formulation for the management of diabetes, I encountered a publication where goat pancreas is used as one of the ingredients in addition to...
09 July 2020 7,377 4 View
We always hear that herbal medicines don't have side effects beacuse they are natural. However, the synthetic drugs are associated with a lot of side effects. How true is this statement?
08 January 2020 9,400 45 View
Please help me identify this Bamboo species
30 March 2017 8,253 3 View
Please help me identify this plant species
30 March 2017 7,843 17 View
A number of media have been formulated over times like Gamborg media, White's media, wood plant media etc but what make MS media the first choice for plant tissue culture researchers.
28 July 2016 5,079 21 View
Why analgesic activity is generally performed in mice models while anti-inflammatory activity in rat models?
14 December 2015 9,045 2 View
In most of the cases during Tissue culture the pH of the media is suitably adjusted prior to autoclaving. What impact does autoclaving have on pH? Does it increase or decrease and why? What impact...
20 June 2015 3,951 6 View
in general we use different concentration of agar during tissue culture to support the explant. But, can we use sterilized sand instead of agar to support our explant. Please provide your valuable...
31 March 2015 3,330 16 View
We all know different methods are adopted for making herbarium for plants, fungi, algae, bryophytes etc. It is also known that flowers and fruits are usually crucial for identification. But what...
21 March 2015 5,157 5 View
Is there any botanical difference between fruits and vegetables. If yes what? Thank you.
17 February 2015 9,538 9 View
This is a bamboo plant encountered in Kokrajhar District of Assam (India). The culms are covered with white powder, there is no branching at the node upto some 15-17 nodes, the culm sheath are...
11 February 2015 5,054 8 View
Different parts of the plants are used as explant for micropropagation. But which part of the plant is most preferred as explant for tissue culture and why?
10 February 2015 6,302 37 View
The CTAB extraction buffer is supplemented with PVP and 2-mercaptoethanol just prior to use during DNA isolation. What is the role of PVP and 2-mercaptoethanol in Plant genomic DNA isolation?
03 February 2015 8,743 17 View
Which is a better choice for precipitation of plant genomic DNA: chilled ethanol or isopropanol and why?
03 February 2015 4,767 24 View
Dear All, I have sown some seeds of a Hodgsonia heteroclita fruit from Cucurbitaceae family, but the leaves structure which is thought to be the most important key feature for identifying the two...
01 February 2015 7,530 7 View
This fruit is readily sold by the local vendors in Kokrajhar, Assam during winter. The fruits is bitter in taste and has usually eight seed. The morphology of the plant is not known to me. Please...
22 December 2014 7,127 10 View
Angiosperm represents the largest as well as the most successful group of plants within the Plant Kingdom. Taxonomy of Angiosperms started with two approaches viz. Empirical and interpretative...
19 December 2014 8,882 10 View
Please find attached herewith the photograph for you kind perusal. Thanking you in anticipation.
14 December 2014 5,815 9 View
It is considered that flower plays an important role in angiosperm taxonomy. But what about the angiosperm which have irregular flowering behavior or flower at a large interval of time?
14 December 2014 8,642 16 View
What role does solvent play in extracting antioxidants from natural sources? Please suggest.
04 December 2014 1,931 11 View
There are quite a number of methods to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activities. Can you please suggest me the best and the most effective method?
04 December 2014 6,352 17 View
Buddha belly bamboo is Bambusa vulgaris var. Wamin or Bambusa wamin or these two are synonymous. Can anyone help me in this regard? Thanking you.
14 November 2014 7,870 5 View
Suppose we encounter a plant in an area and going through the published literature or flora of that place does not provide any ample proof of its record. What are the necessary steps that we must...
20 October 2014 1,525 22 View
This is a bamboo species encountered in Kokrajhar District, BTAD, Assam, India. I failed to identify the species. Can anyone help me in this regards? Please find attached herewith the photograph...
19 October 2014 7,394 5 View
Is there any biochemical test which can be considered as a confirmatory test for Azotobacter? Please provide your valuable suggestions.
16 June 2014 3,594 3 View
I think a thesis with negative results is as good as with positive results if presented in a form which shows that the researcher has acquired the right skills for the investigation. Thus he/she...
11 May 2014 4,789 16 View
Good research is based on good relationship between the mentor or supervisor and the scholar. What are the qualities a supervisor or mentor must have to have a healthy and friendly environment in...
01 January 1970 5,961 35 View
The coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to a grinding halt and no doubt has altered the lives of each one of us. I think COVID-19 also has an impact on our normal research (i.e. related to...
01 January 1970 3,384 14 View
We know that bamboo shoots are highly nutritious, low in fat and calorie. Did you ever tasted bamboo shoots recipe? If yes in what form. What is the name of the recipe in your native place or...
01 January 1970 453 11 View
If someone is granted with utility model can he/she claim it to be granted a Patent? Is it legally acceptable?
01 January 1970 8,523 13 View