24 Questions 43 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ankur Goswami
We did XRD of p-type piranha cleaned pristine (100) silicon wafer in two different modes. One is in Bragg Brentano (theta-2theta) geometry and other is in grazing angle. While doing grazing angle...
09 September 2017 3,051 11 View
Can anybody tell me how to calculate lattice misfit strain. There are n-numbers of literature and authors wrote about it and confused their own way. Let me say I have a film "a" which grows on...
04 April 2017 5,466 2 View
How PLD and RF sputtering are different over each other ? Or why one should choose PLD over sputtering except depositing complicated oxides (e.g: super conductors or perovskites). It is well known...
10 October 2016 3,040 5 View
Hi I was wondering how to find molar absorptivity of inorganic nanoparticle in the mid IR range? If I would like to apply the Beer-Lambert law then particles should be dissolved in a solvent and...
09 September 2016 5,475 6 View
Hi I was wondering how carrier scattering varies with the defects in thin film semiconductors. For example if iii-V semiconductor grows on silicon substrate because of the lattice mismatch there...
05 May 2016 1,695 8 View
In case of cantilever made of uniform material(not bimaterial) should the natural frequency go up or drop down with the function of temperature? Any comment!
03 March 2016 5,533 8 View
Hi all, Does anybody have cif file of 1T structure of MoS2. As this structure is meta stable I am not getting the CIF file of the same in any standard database. 2H or 3R MoS2 are quite common and...
02 February 2016 10,067 10 View
Can band gap of semiconductor be found by UV spectroscopy. I do know people find it by Tauc plot or kulbeka-munk model. But how reliable it is if the semiconductor is crystalline. I am in a...
01 January 2016 3,732 16 View
Can anybody xplains what is van Hove Singularities? It is predominantly observed in 2D materials (Graphene, MoS2, TMDs) in their UV-Vis spectrum but why it is called singularities and what is the...
01 January 2016 8,947 3 View
Hi All, I am getting a huge problem with patterning on teflon surface. Basically I have Si/SiO2 wafer which is coated with teflon solution and baked properly, so it became completely hydrophobic....
10 October 2015 2,804 4 View
Dear All, I am trying to measure surface charge of an electret by electrometer (keithley 6514)set up but I am getting a hard time. I have keithley 6514 meter with a triax cable. I have an...
10 October 2015 2,085 3 View
Hi All, Can power supply be used as a current source? The power supply which I have has CC and CV mode. However, if I want to use as a current source (CC mode) it adjusts per load and goes to...
10 October 2015 4,146 6 View
I was wondering how ebeam evaporation and sputtering are different. I understand from deposition point of view like one is conformal (ebeam )and other one is directional (sputtering). But I am not...
07 July 2015 4,960 1 View
Hi I am planning to work on electrorheology of ceramic suspension. Our goal is to reduce the viscosity of the viscoelastic fluid under various DC/AC field. Most of the paper I see that all electro...
01 January 2015 3,637 4 View
Could any of you tell me if V2O4 and VO2 are exactly same, or is there a structural difference? From the chemical formula it is clear that their oxidation state is same. However, there may be...
11 November 2014 3,480 7 View
Hi all, Has any body tried static charge measurement by kelvin probe microscopy or any other technique. I have a thermally grown silicon wafer coated with teflon. I have charged the surface by...
07 July 2014 1,406 3 View
I have one trivial but important doubt in measuring tensile property at constant strain rate. When we tell constant strain rate to the instrument(UTM) it measures the stress corresponding to the...
06 June 2014 8,369 16 View
Dear Friends I am a new learner of surface evolver software. I was trying to simulate droplet shape on hydrophillic hydrophobic stripped surface where the droplet is sitting on the hydrophhilic...
06 June 2014 2,022 1 View
I was wondering if anybody would have tried surface charge measurement of teflon coated on silicon. We are making an electret film using teflon. The idea is a thin layer (250 nm) of teflon is...
05 May 2014 688 2 View
Can you share some information on that, like how he setup should be? What should be the voltage and current range should be used. Is there any requirement of vacuum in the chamber?
04 April 2014 3,408 2 View
I was struggling for last couple of weeks by varying various parameters of DRIE like SF6 , C2F4 flow rate, platen power(5 to 10W), ICP power (1000~3000W), vacuum (20~25 mtorr) but in none of the...
03 March 2014 363 6 View
Can anybody explain briefly about two photon absorption and how the focus spot becomes small in two photon lithography than single photon lithography. There is plenty of literature but I am not...
02 February 2014 321 4 View
Has anybody tried reactive ion etching on teflon coating? I have coated AF teflon solution on thermally grown Si and annealed at 250 deg C for 5 min to stick the teflon on the substrate....
01 January 2014 8,530 3 View
I am trying to coat photoresist (PR) on top of a teflon coated silicon wafer. The stacking will be Si, amorphous teflon coating (by spin coat), photoresist. The problem that I am facing is that...
12 December 2013 8,239 1 View