We did XRD of p-type piranha cleaned pristine (100) silicon wafer in two different modes. One is in Bragg Brentano (theta-2theta) geometry and other is in grazing angle. While doing grazing angle omega was kept in 0.5 degree. Scan rate of the XRD in both the cases were 2 deg/min. It is quite evident that (100) silicon should have a peak at 69.25 deg which corresponds to (400). I am able to get the peak in theta-2theta geometry. However, there is a strong peak appearing at 51.25 for the same silicon when XRD was done in grazing angle mode. This peak (51.25) appears both the cases when silicon does or does not have any film on top. I have attached one image for your reference. The sample size is 12.5mm x12.5mm square. The incident slit was 10 mm. Could anyone let me know what could be the reason?