15 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ankur Gajjar
Hello! I am having the knowledge about state space approach and control system design. I would like to start learning about Sliding Mode Control. Please tell which are the good...
29 September 2016 6,802 6 View
Hello! I have gone through the literature of optimal control. It has been stated in the literature that "mostly the relation between control law and performance indices will be...
19 June 2016 6,154 4 View
Hello! I have referred to numerous texts and literature which explains control theory in depth. However, all the texts seem to be focused on how to apply the concepts in terms of...
26 March 2016 848 9 View
Hello everyone! I am working as an assistant professor in engineering college and I am also doing some Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in the areas which I have not...
13 March 2016 1,185 4 View
Hello all, I have recently joined as an assistant professor in an engineering college. I would like to know that what are the traits, habits and characteristics one should have/develop to grow as...
09 February 2016 5,179 6 View
Hello all, I would like to find out the reasons behind the birth and evolution of modern control theory. I would also like some supporting links, textbooks and papers for the...
23 December 2015 1,756 12 View
Dear all, I would like to know that are there any interesting recent research areas which combine data science with control theory? If there are, which are they?
26 November 2015 7,725 4 View
I came across parameter estimation and optimization course during my post graduation, which heavily relies on statistics and I found that one interesting. I would like know to know which are the...
20 November 2015 4,690 4 View
Dear all, Can you please list out the reference books which are good to understand the concept of chaos theory? As well as, the reference books and papers on control of chaos and application of...
29 October 2015 2,787 8 View
Hello all, I am from control engineering background and I am good at solving the problems of time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis, but I would like to know that why...
10 August 2015 1,541 11 View
Dear all, I would like to study regarding control of linear and nonlinear systems in detail. So, please suggest me some books which can provide in-depth knowledge regarding it. Thank...
01 August 2015 5,989 13 View
Dear all, Can you please suggest some reference material and research papers to understand Model Predictive Control (MPC) ? Thank you.
21 April 2015 4,102 11 View
Dear all, I would like to deploy the Simulink PLC Coder generated Structured Text code in Siemens PLC. Right now, I have tried the 'plcdemo_simple_subsystem' example and deployed the...
11 April 2015 3,809 1 View
I am having Siemens 313-c2-DP PLC and I want to establish communication between PLC and suitable OPC server. The problem is that this PLC supports profibus and MPI communication protocols only....
31 March 2015 8,854 4 View
I want to establish communication between KEPServerEX and Siemens S7-313-c2-DP PLC using Siemens serial MPI cable (order no. : 6ES7 901-0BF00-0AA0). To do so, I was trying to download the PLC...
31 March 2015 4,402 13 View