The ZYNQ is based on " Dual ARM® Cortex™-A9 MPCore " , witch mean, we have tow CPU ( when i use Xillinux on Zedboard, or Petalinux, it's montionnaed on system command , 2 CPU ( CPU0 and CPU1), when i return to ARMv7 datasheet, i found that defeneltly there is processor ( independelly each of other " Falcon CPU" ), with L2 shared betenn those 2 processor or Core), BUT what i can't found, is the Maximum Frequency 866 Mhz , is defined for each processor or for the both together ? , witch mean, when i run a standalone application on CPU0 ( only), i can't until to this max frequency, and if i run 2 different standalone application ( one for each processor), it mean, i can eachve 866 Mhz for each processor ?