Mohamed: The network EARLY-YEARS-LANGUAGE-LEARNING may be of interest to you and your question. You can join it or check the archives at
I recently posted there about this publication which, together with the publishing journal itself, may also be relevant to your question:
Pfenninger, S. E., & Singleton, D. (2019). Making the most of an early start to L2 instruction. Language Teaching for Young Learners, 1(2), 111–138.
This paper is open access at: Article Making the most of an early start to L2 instruction
con un collega canadese stiamo attivando un Laboratorio di Inglese specializzato nel rendere comunicabili e correttamente esprimibili i contenuti disciplinari.
Chi fosse interessato agli esiti, ma anche a partecipare alla formalizzazione del "modello" a cui far riferimento, può inviare la propria e.mail. Contatteremo i colleghi che invieranno l'intenzione di partecipare, ma intanto si segnalino i colleghi che intendono essere cointeressati.
@Vito D'Armento: Although I understand Italian it might be a good idea to use Google translator to make your posts readily available to everyone. E una buona idea usare il traduttore di Google per rendere i tuoi post disponibili a tutti.
Dear Mohamed, you could try to get to know the results of Evlang and other projects developed around the pluralistic approach "éveil aux langues" (or Language awakening). It might be good to get acquainted with the work developed by Michel Candelier (in France), Perregaux (in Switzerland), Mercer and Noguerol (both in Spain)... There is also some work in Canada, but I just don't have it mind right now...
Thank you Silvia. You have been such a great help to me not only with this but also regarding a paper I have just finalised and your works were such an inspiration.