In your opinion ... Do you think that Islam supports and encourages the development and creativity or it is a religion of backwardness and ignorance ??why??
Is that really a Question? With all due respect Sir. Because I cab see that you have Muslim names + you are older than me. There is a better way to put the Question so as not to give enemies of Islam options to start posting their corrupted idea about Islam.
Thank you Abubakar Surajo for your contribution. In this group, we are all colleagues ... There is no enemy ... I wanted the Muslims of us to correct the wrong ideas about the fact that Islam is the cause of the delay of the Islamic nation in scientific development relative to others. Muslims are creators when the required conditions are available.
Usually fixed adherence to a religion compromises scientific discovery and artistic excellence. Is this a scientific question though? Is this not one of the many conversion questions one finds on RG, a chance to tell others how wonderful Islam is within a somewhat delusional default position?
As in medieval Christianity, during the period of academic and scientific excellence uncompromising believers stopped intellectual investigation when it contradicted the Qur'an or seemed likely to. This of course will promptly be denied here, and empty rhetorical phrases will abound and you will have identified a non/believer -as you suggest your question is framed to do.
I feel there is something to be admired in all religions. I do not know much about Islam but one thing I admire about them and that is how their women dress so modestly. I sometimes dress like that in the Winter time to keep warm. But I admire how they do not believe in exposing the body. My husband's Uncle joined Islam when he became a man and he is one of the nicest man I know. He does not eat pork or a lots of meat, but he loves vegetables. It is so easy to cook for him. The faith of a person depends on how they perceive the leader. Jesus has never given me any reason to not trust him. He heals my body when it is sick. He blesses me with eternal life. I am awake each morning and when I die I will live in heavenly places. This is how I perceive the Son of God. He would never curse me. He sits at the right hand of God which is the hand of blessings.
You speak about Jesus and also touched on other interesting topics, but briefly. Please I would like to recommend the following books in the links below.
Thank you Abubakar for sharing the books you have written. Let me share a book about Abstinence that I have written: "Practical Guidance About Love, Sex, and Marriage" by Faith C. Bays. You can purchase it from for $21.00. God Bless!!!!!
Given the position of peace, out of curiosity what about Islam's beginnings? Ideas of tolerance are not how I see Islam (I have lived in several Islamic countries) nor how a number of my Islamic friends view it. When you have friends (not mine) imprisoned and killed through their being homosexual or atheist, where is the tolerance?
all teachings approved by Muhammad the principles of peace. remember the charter made by Muhammad in 622 AD which contained the concepts of justice, freedom, and brotherhood embraced by the French people originating from the very futuristic teachings of Islam. Seeing the phenomenon of non-Islamic Islamic societies because they are far from the universal values of Islam so they forget their identity as devout Muslims.
every religion teaches good values for its followers. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and so on. let's spread the value of goodness to all humanity so that our brotherhood is always maintained without any crying, fear, and hatred. I, as a Muslim, uphold peace.
Thank you , Vincent Serverat for your contribution.I have meant that if any one thinks that Islam encourages the research and development in all science specializations or you have another opinion.
Thanks Fares Fares. But do you think that Islam taught us this only ?? !!! The Qur'an urged man to search and think to develop his life and to benefit from the resources of the earth in order to live in a more comfortable manner.
Qur'an praises those who teach all in his specialty to those who do not know and the Prophet called to seek knowledge, even in China and throughout life. This wrong idea, which I wanted to show that Islam is the religion of prayer and fasting only, but it is a law that can reach the human to the highest degrees of evolution if it was adopted by whom are qualified to ask others follow it.
عزيزي وصديقي واخي ...فراس المحترم ..من الخطأ ان نتصور ان الدين الاسلامي جاء لكي يحمل الانسان للاعتقاد بما ذكرت .فقط ..وهو دين عبادات فقط ...بل هو دين يدعو الى التعلم والبحث والتطور العلمي والتقني والتكنلوجي في شتى المجالات وهو دين يمدح المكافحين لطلب العلم لمنفعة البشرية ..في شتى ميادين العلم ..فهو دين حياة وتطور ايجابي ..وليس التطور السلبي الذي نلحظه في بعض الميادين كالعلوم العسكرية التي ترمي الى غزو البلدان وافناء الحرث والنسل ..ولكن المشكلة بمن يمثل الاسلام اليوم ..جعل الدعوة للعبادة فقط والعلماء اصبحوا هم رجال الدين ..وليس اولئك الذين فاقوا اقرانهم في مجال تخصصهم
All religions were created by some wise man/men. Those were very much required at the time of their origin.
But the human civilization progress every day. So, all the situations changes regularly. The social conditions changes very rapidly. The mental condition of a person fly regularly in aeroplane can not be compared with a person of Egyptian civilization.
But the followers do not want to agree with such observations.
They think their religion is created by God or directed by God through prophet. So these are true forever.
As per my understanding, such concepts are wrong.
Every religion require continuous modification as per the need of the society.
Many religions modify continuously. The different sections/ devisions of such religions are ready to tolerate other sections/ devisions.
But for Islam, no scope is kept for any modification. But there are some division like all other religions.
In Islam, every such section trust that they are only following the purest form. On the other hand, followers of Islam can not consider any other religion as correct.
It is the main reason for world wide controversies regarding Islam.
Thank you very much, Shibabrata Pattanayak. and Fateh Bouterkouk, for your valuable contributions. But, the discussion is about if Islam supports and encourages the development and creativity or it is a religion of backwardness and ignorance.Not if it was from a wise man or from God Allah. As you know, this gate is scientific only Thus, and my question was about this topic only.
It depends on how you interpret, “Islam is (as a deen, not as the western concept of religion) for the entire mankind and for all times to come.” Or, what do you understand of Ijtihad (to apply one's mind to find a solution of a given problem within faith framework and spirit of Islam), when there is no clear instruction in that regard in the Qur’an or the traditions of the Prophet (PBUH)? Even those who do not believe in Ijtihad, they have other ways like Ijmaa/Qiyās (Consensus of Scholars of Islam regarding the solution of a problem/deductive analogy in which the teachings of the Hadith are compared and contrasted with those of the Qur'an, in order to apply a known injunction to a new circumstance and create a new injunction), etc. It also depends on what do you make out of the request of the Second Caliph, respected Omar (RA) to his would-be assassin to make a windmill (flour mill driven by wind power) for women of Medina who used to make flour using stone grinders, an arduous work. Modernity necessarily does not mean adoption the culture or ways of the west, including political thought. It is a mental state to invent/produce or adopt technical, social, political and other innovations in the society (not in faith) for the benefit of humanity, which do not compromise or negate faith or Eimaan. There is a tradition of the Prophet (PBUH) means somewhat like this, ‘Wherever you find wisdom (hikma), take it, it is yours’. Those social, cultural and technical innovations which improve life must be adopted and invented/produced for the necessity, and those which are against the core teachings of Islam must be rejected. Modernity is not equal to westernization. It is forward-thinking and leads to progress in every sphere of life. It may take place in any society where people have an open and critical mind and want to improve the quality of life of common people.
Islam teaches tolerance, not hatred; universal brotherhood, not enmity; peace, and not violence. Pervez Musharraf. Peace Brotherhood Violence Tolerance..
Omar A. Abdulrazzaq ; what I aimed form the question is that if Islam support and encourage research,invention,creation and developing the technology.It is very important to know the level that the others consider you.