Dear experts in molecular biology, 

I am having trouble cloning my PCR-amplified ~4.4kb fragment into the pENTR/D-TOPO vector (2.58kb) directional cloning vector from Invitrogen. I am using a protocol from the manual of the TOPO cloning kit.

After amplification of my fragment from the template plasmid using properly designed PCR primers, I have a very strong single blunt-end PCR product that appear to be about 4.4kb in size, with any faint secondary bands on a 1% agarose gel. According to the manual they don't require obligatory purification of the pcr product if you have only one band. Therefore, I directly cloned from the PCR mix into pENTR/D-TOPO and transform TOP10 cells. I have tried different molecular ratio of insert:vector (0,5:1, 1:1, 2:1), but more colonies I get with 1:1. The next day, I analysed the colonies on each plate.  

Problem: The insert from the PCR doesn't go into TOPO vector and instead I got colonies inserted with original template vector. How it's possible that after amplification of my fragment and verification of a single band of it on a gel, the template plasmid has remained in the sample and been transformed into TOP10 instead of my fragment? 

After that, I gel-purified my PCR fragment using Qiagen column and then run a gel on the purified product to check that it was really there. The concentration of DNA detected after elution was ~15ng/microliter. Then I repeated the same steps cloning my purified vector into the D-TOPO vector. I also did control TOPO cloning reaction using control DNA template from the kit. However, I didn't get any colonies after transformation or I got colonies with a wrong insert. Control reaction also didn't give me good result. Until now, I am trying to repeat control reaction and clone my purified PCR product into TOPO vector. 

Any additional feedback would be truly and greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks and cheers!

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