I often see very high pH values (often over 9) at Lake Renvick at Icelandic State Park (North Dakota, USA). Is there a correlation between algae growth and pH

Part 5, July 2, 2019 (Lake Renwick at Icelandic State Park) - https://youtu.be/U9MS7mYgOPg

Also this is another reference:

"Water Quality

Water of Beira Lake is polluted, from which it gets a bad odour and green colour. But contray to the canal system of Colombo, the lake contains water with a very alkaline pH value got by primary production and continuous bloom. In August it gets its maximum value, but becomes more neutral from top to bottom, pH value decreasing from 10 to 8. Lake water never gets acidic pH.[3]

Conductivity of the water retains fairly stable between 250 μS/cm and 300 μS/cm, with a slight increase from May to August.[3]

Full temperature ranges between 29.3 and 35.4 °C. Average temperature is 31 °C and August is the warmest month. The temperature decreases rapidly 2 or 3 °C, from the surface to 60-100 cm in-depth and remains stable after that.[3]

Dissolved Oxygen generally follows the same trend than temperature in August. Likewise the thermocline, an oxycline appears exclusively in August. Below 1 meter depth, DO is stable at 7 mg/l during May, June and July. Though it is decreased during August from 13 mg/l to 6 mg/l, shallow depth allows preserving a sufficient level of oxygen. But it would be more stressful during dry season.[3]

Salinity is very stable (around 0.12 g/l) over time and along the water column."

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beira_Lake#Water_Quality

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