04 April 2015 2 7K Report

I read a paper. The authors performed in vivo coimmunoprecipitation to investigate the interaction between rsl1 (e3 ligase) and ABA receptor (putative substrate protein). ABA receptor band can be enriched by rsl1 only when MG132 is added during coip. If MG132 is not added, there is no band. The authors did not add ATP and ubiquitin to the reaction sample, so the ubiquitylation and degradation can only be dependent on the endogenous ATP and Ub. Why can MG132 affect interaction between ABA receptor and rsl1? How can it enhance the interaction between them? And why is there no band when the authors did not add MG132? Is the e3-substrate complex less stable when ubiquitylation can occur fast enough?

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