I have different samples of Atlantic salmon. I have PCR primers (amplify region of ~280bp) which worked on eDNA samples of ATL (I gathered water from a tank filled with ATL and extracted via PCI), the PCR primers work very well from samples extracted off tissue; however the same primers refuse to work on a second set of water samples taken from the same ATL tank but extracted using the EZ-10 Spin Column Soil DNA Mini-prep Kit.

Now, when I used fish COI primers (amplify COI region of 800bp) all my samples even the ones straight from the ATL tank amplified beautifully (these samples are extracted from the same kit). In fact, my controls (water taken from the same tank) amplified really nicely (really big thick bands) which were similar to those taken from tissue samples.

I've tried re-optimizing the primers with these samples, tried diluting these samples, I run double PCRs on them. The first PCR run will give me only blanks and when I run the PCR product for a second time, I get amplification of bands below and above the desired size. It's either I get no bands, or I get way too many unspecific bands all over the place.

I just want to know why the samples straight from the ATL tank which do contain a lot of DNA (ATL are the only fish having been kept in this tank - no other species) won't amplify at all.


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