After extracting DNA from very dirty water samples doing a double PCI extraction (with CTAB) - pellets were brown. Rehydrated samples in 30ul of TE buffer but they have a light brown tinge to it - I want to clean these samples up but not sure on the volumes of ethanol to use.

Was going to try the following:

Dilute sample up to 200ul (adding 170ul ddH20), add 200ul cold 100% EtOH and 0.2V 3M sodium acetate (so 20ul). Let it sit for an hour at -20oC then spin it at max speed for 15 minutes. Remove the EtOH and do a second wash with 70% EtOH using 200ul. Spin it, let it dry and elute in 30ul of TE buffer again.

Seen a lot of protocols out there, I don't want to mess my samples up (very precious samples!).

Any advice would be much appreciated!

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