I am doing a pilot study on software professionals with a sample size of 139.
My model consisting of two IV (X1,X2) and their consequent relationship with three DV (Y1,Y2,Y3). All these variables are taken as latent variables.
On conducting the path analysis in AMOS the relation between IV and DV are found to be significant at the level of 1% and 5% and most of the beta weights are above 0.5 value. Whereas on conducting the regression analysis in SPSS taking the composite scores of all the items of individual variables, the beta coefficients have found to be extremely low and insignificant in some cases. The model fit is moderately fine for AMOS (RMSEA =0.06) but the r squared values in SPSS are very low ranging only from 0.007 to 0.051.
Excerpt of my analysis
Results AMOS(loading of Path Anlysis) SPSS(beta value for linear regression)
X1-->Y1 0.455 (p=0.001) 0.247 (p=0.004)
X1-->Y2 0.646 (p=0.001) 0.240 (p=0.005)
X1-->Y3 -0.295 (p=0.021) -0.073(p=.394)
X2-->Y1 -0.577 (p=0.001) -.119(p=0.167)
X2-->Y2 -0.681 (p=0.001) -.278 (p=0.070)
X2-->Y3 0.694 (p=0.001) 0.312 (p