
I hope you are doing well.

I am simulating an ellipse that is inside a cube to see how the stress concentration happening. In the 2D model, we can clearly see the stress concentration as attached below.

(figure 1)

The ellipse is elongated in x-direction as can be seen in the figure with an aspect ratio of 10:1 (x:y). We can see stress is concentrated across the tips of the ellipse as it should be and that's why maximum principal stress is quite higher there than in the other part of the ellipse.

But in the case of 3D, I modelled an ellipsoid with an aspect ratio of 10:1:1 in (x:y:z) as shown in the figure to replicate similar behaviour of 2D (which is elongating x-direction higher than other 2 directions )

(figure 2)

I expected similar behaviour (stress concentration) at the tip of the ellipsoid, but to my surprise maximum principal stress is not the highest at the tip but highest across the ellipsoid, I am not sure why.

(figure 3)

here is just the picture from ABAQUS where I did the same modelling to verify if I am doing something wrong in ANSYS, but I found the same behaviour, I added this picture here because I don't know how to create the same transparent contour in ANSYS.

But the fundamental question persists why can not I see the stress concentration in 3D but can see the concentration in 2D, can anyone please let me know, I will be grateful, thank you very much.


Just to add the ANSYS 3D model I did but couldn't show properly the contours as ABAQUS but adding the figure here.

(figure 4)



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