Dear Researches,

At the moment I’m working on one PSQ assay and I have some difficulties. In brief, I have 2 Sequencing primers (S1 and S2) for the same PCR product: S1 = reads a sequence of 36 bp; S2 = reads a sequence of 62 bp.

Both Sequencing and PCR primers were taken from literature and were used successfully by others to study DNA methylation.

Now, for my analysis I used the same PCR primers and S2 primer. After PCR, I checked the samples to see if I have any contamination, but I had one clear band.

However, all samples did not work properly on PSQ, almost all of them were “red”, including commercial 100% methylated DNA, that I used as an additional control. (errors given by PSQ: Uncertainty due to high peak height deviation at dispensation ... or bisulfite conversion problems).

Next, I re-ordered all primers and was using new reagents. In addition, I used samples from 3 different bisulfite conversions (2 sample sets were used for other studies, they worked well and were stored at -80) and 100% methylated DNA. Again, samples did not work properly with S2 primer.

Then, I run two more experiments with the same samples (3 different bisulfite conversions + 100% meth.DNA):

1st set: with S1 primer (using the same PCR primers as for S2); 2nd set: with PCR and Sequencing primers for other gene.

Result = all samples worked well !

As far as I know 62 bp should work quite well on PSQ, so I'm not sure if length can be the main problem. In addition, I'm always careful with Enzyme and Substrate, so they should work properly.

Can you please let me know if you have any ideas why S2 does not work, but S1 does work well?

In case you had a similar experience with PSQ, can you please share how did you solved this problem.

Thank you in advance !

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