Hello All,

I'm working with MDA-MB-231 cell line and I always perform same procedure while I'm passaging these cells. After unfreeze the cells ( at first I freeze them with 5% DMSO, 95% FBS solution and freeze them via mr.frosty at -80oC) they reproduced and there wasn't anything wrong. I followed the protocol that I mentioned below which I did all the time and they didn't die before but now after passaging they died second time;

1)getting rid of the growing media

2)washing the flask with PBS

3)adding 1ml 0.25% trypsin

4)incubate for 2 min at 37oC

5)add the cell solution (trypsin + cells into new growing media for deactivating the trypsin) and centrifuge it 3 min at 1200 rpm

6) dissolve the cell pellet with new media and divide it properly into new flasks

7)incubate them at 37oC

Can you please help me about solving the problem which caused cell dying ?

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