I am attempting to set up an oesophageal subcutaneous model using OE19 cells, after already setting up an HT29 model in the flanks of nude Balb/C mice without problems.

I have tried various concentrations of cells from 2^6-2^7 in PBS, with and without high concentration Matrigel (50/50) but have found that, after initial development in some animals, the tumours shrink and appear pellet-like if extracted. I am not sure if this is an immune response to the tumour or if the cell line is particularly difficult to grow. I will be testing the cells on various other SCID mouse strains to try to rule out the immune response and have checked cell viability of unused cells to rule out excessive cell death prior to injection. The animals always appear healthy, no signs of illness or infections.

I was just wondering whether anyone has encountered this before or have any suggestions that I could test in my new SCID mice?

Many thanks

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