Hello. I have problem in gel electrophoresis on rice DNA after PCR with primers. The bands are blur and fade. Can anyone suggest me the solution? whether it is related to voltage or some reagent or gel preparation.
the top bands in lanes 3 and 6 are blurred because the is too much material loaded. The smallest bands in all tracks are blurred because they are small and diffuse easily in the warm gel under high voltage. The middle bands are probably blurred by thermal diffusion because the gel is running too hot. Try running the checker gel less far and at half the voltage that you are using and the blurring should improve
Thanks for your answer Malcolm Nobre. I was using the same material and reagents before with good results and resolution. I started using green taq buffer without mgcl2. However, I added mgcl2 separately @ .9ul per 15ul reactio. I used 180 v to run the samples.
I used distilled water for preparing buffers and autoclaved distilled water for pcr reaction.