when I run the comet assay slides in lysis buffer pH 10 for 30-60 minutes, I found some of the slides lose the agarose and some completely dissolved form the slide.

first I was used commercial OxiSelect™ 96-Well Comet Assay Kit from Cell Biolabs.

I followed them  instructions for running the test, but, unfortunately, most of the wells has lost the agarose.

then I repeat the test after preparing the slides using different procedures as  follow:

1. 0.5% agarose ( 1:10 combined cells with agarose), 50 micro.l. was putted on the slide and then the first layer of 200 micro.l. was done, left until agarose solidified and then added 50 micro.l. of combined cell with agarose and left until solidified then added 200 micro.l. of agarose as second layer until solidified finally I was put the slides in lysing solution for 30-60 minutes.

2. 0.75% agarose ( 30 micro.l. cell suspension + 270 micro.l. of liquified agarose 42 C). 120 micro.l. of combined cells with agarose loaded on the slides and covered with coverslip until solidified and removed the coverslip and added 200 micro.l. of agarose as the second layer, covered with coverslip until solidified and then removed and put in lysis solution.

Note: I am using tissue samples of rats' ovary.

this is my problem, please I need your help.

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