I have used pet sumo vector, restriction enzymes: bsaI and BamHI, double digestion.

ligation reaction mix : vector (150ng), insert (750ng) total Ligation volume 20 uL

plate 1 : 20ul of ligation mix transformed in 50 μl top ten ecoli cells.

plate 2: 150ng double digested and dephosphorylated vector transformed in 50 μl of ecoli top ten.

(ensuring that nearly same amount of vector is taken in both the plates)

plate 1: 55 colonies.

plate 2: 3 colonies. (control plate)

the difference in the bp of both vector and ligated plasmid of interest is 260 bp.

however, all the colonies show the same size band on the gel as that of the vector.

how is this possible considering the fact that the number of colonies on the control plate was way lesser than the ligation mix plate? (i have screened nearly 20 colonies now)

(no chances of contamination, since everything is being freshly used)

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