It is more important than ever before to teach ethics and values with emphasis on humanitarian and humanistic values. Not only has the world's population skyrocketed to billions of human beings, at the same time and with equal intensity, the demographics have diversified significantly. Given that the word "ethics" is etymologically rooted in the concept of "ethos," any approach to a discussion of ethics necessarily ought to take into account ethnicity, both as an insular concept pertaining to minority groups in a specific geographical location, and also as a globalized concept that encompasses all of the countless nations on the face of our Earth.
In view of the rapidity with which "difference" outpaces "sameness" in the world today, at some point in the educational process, each and every student ought to receive formal instruction and training in order to be prepared to meet the challenges presented by the demands of diversity, whether in day-to-day living or in interaction across national, linguistic, social, economic, religious, political, and other visible and palpable boundaries.
Ethical values pertain specifically to how to interact with our fellow human beings, at home, in the neighborhood, in our different community affiliations, in our town or city, precinct, prefecture, county, province, state, nation, and region. Each of these geophysical and geopolitical classifications has its own distinctive "ethos" and "collective ethos." The basis of teaching ethics is actually the place we call "home." Our first experience with ethics is in the home, i.e., what is the proper conduct of husband and wife, parents and children, family and neighbors?
By the time a child is ready to participate in a classroom under the supervision of a teacher, the process of assimilating the societal phenomenon of "ethics" has already begun.
Talking about our customs and our way of being is a necessity from ancient times to today. In our societies, questions are asked about social behaviour in the face of the pandemic, and none of us question that this is an ethical issue, for example the use of the mouthpiece, or distancing. In Latin American societies this behavior is scandalous, precisely because the ethical aspect of education is absent, and if it is present one does not believe that it serves any purpose. For this reason, it is important today to study ethics and values. But in ordinary life everything is ethical, political, moral, and it is necessary to implement values in order to obtain a better life in society. Whether it is the use of technology, politics or economics.
Antonio Russo When we look at history of humanity we will realize that there is no nation without value which is also embedded in their culture.
so we can conclude that there are universal value such Justice, trustworthy honest etc.
Besides, interpretation/application of value can be varies from one place to another, it is really important to localized the value so that people can maintain oneness of interpretation
I think the world is full of ciaos due to some of its children who violated ethical elements and values. To stop such kinds of social problems, we need to teach ethical and value elements that cross social variabilities and could create a strong bond among diverse people in a nation or across the Globe.
It is more important than ever before to teach ethics and values with emphasis on humanitarian and humanistic values. Not only has the world's population skyrocketed to billions of human beings, at the same time and with equal intensity, the demographics have diversified significantly. Given that the word "ethics" is etymologically rooted in the concept of "ethos," any approach to a discussion of ethics necessarily ought to take into account ethnicity, both as an insular concept pertaining to minority groups in a specific geographical location, and also as a globalized concept that encompasses all of the countless nations on the face of our Earth.
In view of the rapidity with which "difference" outpaces "sameness" in the world today, at some point in the educational process, each and every student ought to receive formal instruction and training in order to be prepared to meet the challenges presented by the demands of diversity, whether in day-to-day living or in interaction across national, linguistic, social, economic, religious, political, and other visible and palpable boundaries.
Ethical values pertain specifically to how to interact with our fellow human beings, at home, in the neighborhood, in our different community affiliations, in our town or city, precinct, prefecture, county, province, state, nation, and region. Each of these geophysical and geopolitical classifications has its own distinctive "ethos" and "collective ethos." The basis of teaching ethics is actually the place we call "home." Our first experience with ethics is in the home, i.e., what is the proper conduct of husband and wife, parents and children, family and neighbors?
By the time a child is ready to participate in a classroom under the supervision of a teacher, the process of assimilating the societal phenomenon of "ethics" has already begun.
Aristotle considered ethics to be a practical science, i.e., one mastered by doing rather than merely reasoning. It means that ethical knowledge is not like the epistemology or any other theoretical knowledge, it is general knowledge. Aristotle taught that virtue has to do with the proper function of the things. Each part of our body has its function, i.e., any eye is to sight, an ear is to hearing…etc.
He suggested that anything was good or bad because it’s function well or poorly. Having arrived at the theory that the proper function of human beings is to live according to reason.
How do we conduct in conducting our business upholding selfless service or working for the better cause of others to make learners sound civilians, and humans and responsible citizens and all actions which are not detrimental to others legitimate and genuine interests and eco-benign ones is an answer to the question posed.
To make humans more kind and lovable, without them humans are worse than other creature. e.g. animals do violence for survival but humans do mostly unnecessary.
It is important because without them society falls short of being humane. The kind of ethics and values should be capable making us more humane to one another in our diversity in society
There is no doubt that the teaching of ethics and values, can also contribute in setting up the necessary ethical standards that can direct ethical conduct even in the areas of economic activities. It gives businesses a soul.
I believe that good ethics considers the most important thing to have and being applied in our daily life. We have to deal with others in the same way we want them to deal with us.
The teaching of ethics and values, is critical in that it draws the distinction that exists between the area of ethics and that of morality. With regard to ethics, it deals with human interaction in understanding what is good and what is right. when dealing with what is good, this should relate to both self and others, because if this connection is not established, the whole concept of ethics collapses.
There is something about the question that . . . . Why is the word “so” in it?
Does any of this count as an answer? (1) before and after retiring from 35 years of teaching medical students, I have been in former students’ clutches as a patient. Many I did not recognize have said that the education I provided had helped them professionally.. (2j I once had a couple of students tell me that they fell in love by listening to each other in ethics class. (3) Without discussions, students might follow the examples of impulsive or immoral “elders” as role models. (4) Students will eventually be on committees, make policies, implement policies and so on. These are not easy to do. Cooperative give-and -take In ethics settings can help develop patterns of thinking, speaking and writing. (5) As some answers say, in a setting of ethics education, one can be sensitized to matters of moral importance. This is a matter of raising emotions. But perhaps it is equally important to be desensitized in the sense that we ought to be able to break taboos and hear pros and cons on topics that people are reluctant to think about. This is a matter of assessing emotions. (6) There are many catch phrases that pass for wisdom. There are many words and phrases that have weight that should be put on the scales of thought, and abandoned. “Extraordinary measures”, “Heroic Measures.” “Natural” “Nature takes its course” “I took an oath” “Do it carefully” (6) There is a tendency in many groups to protect other members. Clergy have shown this to be inappropriate. Police have. I saw it often in medicine. I heard about it often among basic science students and faculty. (7) it is important to know policies, to know what background values and concepts and issues shaped them. To understand why they should be followed, revised or defied.
DR Russo: The duties and responsibilities of a teacher are to ensure that all students develop the following desirable characteristics or moral values:
Honesty. Honesty and integrity are so very important in life. ...
Нравственность играет важную роль в системе ценностей каждого человека и общества. В социальной философии мораль понимается как форма общественного сознания, в которой выражаются моральные представления людей, социальных групп и общества в целом, нормы и суждения о человеческом поведении. Для понимания сущности морали очень важно определить соотношение понятий «этикет» и «этика», которые семантически близки к этому понятию, но в некоторых отношениях различаются. Если понятие морали часто понимается как форма общественного сознания (то есть воспринимаемые нормы и правила), этикет воплощает живую сферу применения норм и правил. Другими словами, сфера этикета - это отношения между людьми, которые формируют их отношения в реальной жизни. Этика считается такой философской областью, которая изучает нормы человеческой деятельности, нравов и этики. На протяжении веков этические нормы означали моральные ценности. Нравственность - одно из древнейших социальных явлений. Долгое время он был единственным регулятором в сообществе. Ценности - основа развития общества, мощный фактор, передающий из поколения в поколение достижения исторического развития нации.
Нравственность – это совокупность личных норм и заповедей, принципов и убеждений, то, чем руководствуется человек при принятии решений. Они нарабатываются, т. е. формируются постепенно. Нравственность – это внешнее требование, ставшее внутренне необходимым императивом. "Этика нравственной личности индивидуальна, не регламентирована и абсолютна. Этика… надиндивидуальна, регламентирована и релятивная, поэтому нравственная личность не может безропотно подчиняться ей…" (Швейцер А.). Здесь очевидно несовпадение морали и нравственности. Мораль – модель идеального, должного поведения, в ее предписаниях выражен общий интерес данного сообщества людей. Для социума важно ее выживание, самосохранение. Отсюда и поощрение таких желаемых качеств, как милосердие, альтруизм и т. п. Мораль – это совокупность норм, выработанных определенным обществом для регулирования взаимоотношений между ее членами. Из того, что мораль и нравственность не совпадают, не следует что они независимы друг от друга и между ними нет связи. Мораль и нравственность взаимно обусловлены и взаимосвязаны. Моральные нормы являются ориентирами для нравственного выбора личности, соизмеряясь с которыми личность осуществляет свой выбор. Можно сказать, что нравственность – это сознательное и добровольное следование моральным требованиям.