02 February 2016 4 2K Report

Sometimes when we buy in batches of human AB serum, they're clear and the typical golden/yellow colour.  But sometimes the serum comes through quite thick and cloudy.  Does anyone have any idea what might be in the serum?

This happens with serum from both Sigma and Lonza.  We can filter the serum to clear it but it takes a lot of filtering, first through 30um cell strainers, then through 0.8um vacuum filters and finally 0.45um filters.  To clear a 500ml batch of serum requires 5 or 6 cell strainers and then 4 or 5 0.8um and 0.45um vacuum filters.

I've also tried spinning it to clear it.  After 20 minutes at 2000g, there is a thick white or creamy layer on the top of the serum but this doesn't clear it and it still requires filtering, just through fewer filters.

Any advice on what is making the serum cloudy and how best to remove it?

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