Lately I am having trouble with PCR genotyping. I keep on getting non specific amplification that have the same size with my target (400 bp). So, I know it's not primer dimer. At first I thought it was contamination, but even after I change all the PCR component, the same thing still happened. So, at last I included two kinds of negative control. One, all the pcr component with water as template. Two, all pcr component with water as template and primer (no primer). I get faint band in the first negative control, but not on the second. So, I am concluding this band has something to do with the primer pairs itself, not contamination. Can anyone help me on how to manage this situation?
I have tried increase the annealing temperature but no luck.
Another thing, when I use this primer pair with high fidelity PCR mix, the primer works fine. But, since I am doing genotyping, hundreds of reaction, our lab use a cheaper PCR mix. Should this be a problem?
Thanks in advance.