I am trying to use a fluorescence probe to study a process involving protein crystals. The protein is Lysozyme, (it contains Tryptophan) and when the protein is in solution I obtain a clear peak in my spectra. The protein was solubilized in NaAc 0.1M and NaCl 0.6M and I excited at 280, 295 and 300 nm and checked emission between 280 and 450 nm . I was able to detect the protein at 25mg/mL of concentration from a drop of 10microliters, directing the probe to the drop with an angle of 45°. Then I did another experiment: I produced my crystals, I washed them (to remove not crystallized protein) and I put them in the same buffer (NaAc 0.1M and NaCl 0.6M). I used a drop of 10microliters again, with the probe in the same position, using same excitation and emission wavelenghts but I was not able to obtain any signal from the protein.  

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