I have observed several times, I am thinking best for the organisation but this thinking did/does/will not match with the organisation's perception. Or, what the organisation thinks, not match with my perception. Why?
Some organisations do not embed their ethos throughout the company but only with managers, or depend too much on casual staff. A good company makes its workers feel attached to the organisation, but some organisations do not create or know how to create that kind of ethos.
An Organization is run by a governing body called Management, the efficiency and flexibility of the organization depends strongly on the competencies and mindset of the individuals that constitute the management body, an individual who is part of a organization is a tool assigned to carry out certain tasks allotted by organization , this tool is allowed to have a thought and opinion of its own only if the management provides a platform for its employees in this regard.
The is no congruence between organisation's and employees' perceptions the organisation's management failed to cascade its mission, vision, goals, and objectives. Thus, there is somewhat disorientation on the part of the employees.
Some organizations that have a mission and goal in place don't always focus or improve their approach towards accomplishing them, thus making employees frustrated and fed up on wasting their talent and skills on a rudderless ship going anywhere but there😁
Thanks Stephen I. Ternyik Ravee Art Phoewhawm Ariel San Jose Ajay Shukla Debopam Ghosh Stanley Wilkin Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak For your scientific and valuable observation.
So, is there any way to reach the same perception from both sides?
It all depends on the customer-business-society interplay and respective value creation process, i.e. stewardship and ownership can be merged via step-by-step procedures, but many legal problems (concerning property and participation) have to be solved.
That's because of several aspects of organisational percpetion, auch as:
Process (oriented) percpetion
Functional percpetion
Hierarchically (oriented) perception.
My wife is an expert for organisation and management and she says that efficiency of any organisational system depends of the goal or expected achievement(s) which have to be defined before designing the new organisation. Usually the members of the team for designing the new organisation have to answer concesually the three main questions:
What we want to improve with designing of new organisation?
What changes in organisation are necessary to achieve the improvements?
How we will know that implemented changes in (new) organisation are efficient?
It is also very important that the members of the team for designing the new organisation are not just the representatives of top and higher management, but also the representatives of stakeholders (executives) within process of production or services.
Many important factors form the perceptions each employee holds about his workplace. It is vary from person to person and position in work place. Depending on the personality of the worker, the communication level of coworkers, supervisor, managers, and the overall workplace environment. Most of time the way employees perceive their jobs can be quite different from what actually exists type of work.
I think organization having centralized and bureaucratic style face such employee to organization mentally disengagement . So in order to resolve this issue organization must strive to enhance confidence and trust of employees on organization by involving them in decision making up to a certain level.
Individual goals and aspirations vary based upon the individual. The organization has its own goal based on a charter, funding, mission and values. Their goals may sound lofty and there is some advertising involved so that the organization and its activities make them appear to be a good citizen in the eyes of the public. Some individuals may not totally endorse the organization's values, for example if the organization receives funding from non-eco-friendly sources and the individual has conflicts with it, this is where perceptions can clash.