I am currently working on setting up primary neuron culture in the lab. I use E18 Rat or E16.5 Mouse. I use HBSS supplemented with HEPES and P/S for dissecting buffer. I use a Complete Neurobasal medium supplemented with B27 and Glutamax to culture neurons. I am trying to see the morphology of neurons at DIV2. I plate 100,000/well neurons (for Hippocampal neurons) on the 18mm-coverslip (1mg/ml PLL-coated) in a 12-well plate. The problem is whenever I do the ICC, they look swollen when I detect using Phalloidin. My neighbor lab is also doing neuron culture but whenever I use their coverslip-cultured neurons, it looks totally fine (thin). I use exactly all the same buffer as my neighbor lab. Also, I tried to use their neurons dissected from them and I plated neurons on my coverslips. But, they also look swollen after ICC. I used exactly the same ICC protocol for both my coverslip-cultured neurons and their coverslip-cultured neurons. So, I think there should be some difference in the culturing step after dissection and before ICC.

Btw, they both look totally fine when I observe them using a dissection microscope until I do the ICC and acquire Image using a Confocal microscope.

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