I am performing a PCR reaction with phusion which gives an expected band around 400 bp. I am also getting the same band around 400bp in my negative control which has no template in it with a pale intensity compared to positive one. We checked every possibility and we are sure that the ingredients (dNTPs, buffer, H20 and etc...) are not contaminated. I also checked the same PCR with different enzymes and still get the same result. I even checked the annealing temperature till 72C and I am still observing the same band.

What I am asking is can primer dimers form a band around 400bp?

Is there any other reason you can think of that can give this result?

I do not have a hot-start polymerase. Can I achieve this by just adding the enzymes one by one to samples on 95C hot plates? With this I just want to eliminate the probability of primer dimer.

Thanks for the feedback.

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