12 December 2014 4 10K Report


I am trying to express my protein of interest in a TNT cell free expression system (Promega, L1170). My protein is tagged With V5 and His tags. The problem is when I run the samples in a western blot, though I can see a band of the proper molecular weight (about 37 kDa), I see a smear under it. I attach a picture so you can see what I mean. In the lines 2 and 3 I am using the anti HA ab, and in 4 and 5 the anti His. (The first one is a marker and in the last two I am using an antibody against the protein that does not seem to recognize my tagged protein very well).

I followed the instructions of the manufacturer. I also tried adding protease inhibitors, but I get the same results. 

Anybody has any ideas? 

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