We are trying to quantify 16S rRNA gene of total bacteria in wastewater samples by using 341f/534r primers in qPCR assay. We got okay standard curves despite the efficiency was unsatisfactory (
Greetings! I think you need to dilute your samples before running the qPCR and check the reaction conditions (reaction composition, annealing temperature). The melting curves clearly show the melting of genomic DNA at ~95 C.
I agree with the comments above. The rRNA expression level is very high and you need to dilute to get rid of low Ct Values. Also the samples must be first optimized on a regular PCR for amplification of desired amplicons before actually going for qPCR assay.
Thank all of you so much for the helpful opinions. Yes, we always get amplification signals for NTCs. We were told that contamination was likely from DNA polymerase.