Hi, folks.
I am a postdoc newly working at the Immunology field.
I am trying to establish a Treg suppression assay from the mouse. However, I have a weird issue unsolved yet. Here is the protocol.
Using cell sorter, I isolated mouse splenic CD4 naive T cells (mechanical separation, Live+CD4+D45RA+CD25-) and tumor-infiltrating Treg (Live+CD45+CD4+CD25+GITR+, following dead cell removal, CD4+CD25+ enrichment kit (STEMCELL kit)). Treg was verified after sorting by staining Foxp3 where more than 95% of isolated CD4+CD25+ were positive for foxp3. After cell sorting, I confirmed cell viability by quickly staining trypan blue and there's no major cell death.
I incubated CD4 T cells and Treg at different ratios (CD4 T cell number was fixed to 10^4 cells per well, and Treg number was every two-times diluted from 1:2 to 1:64 and no Treg per well) for 3 and 4 days. I added two times a higher number of CD3/CD28 activating Dynabeads (Invitrogen) compared to the CD4 T cell number. I did not add IL-2 because this cytokine could mask the suppressive function of Treg. I used RPMI 10% FBS supplemented with HEPES, P/S, pyruvate, and b-ME.
Unfortunately, under a microscope, I couldn't observe cell growth. However, there's a decreased CSFE (final 2.5 uM 20 min incubation at RT) intensity. It might be due to the lack of IL-2, a strong signal for T cell proliferation.
Basically, 1:2 should show the highest inhibition of T cell proliferation by Treg, and 1:64 should show the lowest inhibition. In my case, there's the opposite trend. 1:2 shows the highest proliferation of T cells and vice versa. I also stained Treg with an orange cell tracker, and there seemed to be a slight proliferation of Treg.
I performed three times of independent experiments by changing the number of T cell numbers, increased incubation time from three to four days. So far, I haven't explained my data perfectly with no precise mechanism or reason for my data. I double and triple checked the labeling between samples.
human T cell proliferation assay worked really vell without IL-2 addition, and there's a homogeneous peak of CSFE stained cells. However, I have always seen heterogeneous two peaks of CSFE stained mouse CD4 T cells isolated from the spleen. The cell suspension was vortexed before and after CSFE dye staining.
Could you help me to figure out these troubles?
Thank you.