5 Questions 39 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dmytro Shytikov
Hi everyone! I investigate the result of knockout of a particular gene on the disease severity. I take WT or KO mice, induce disease, and record readings. So, the genotype is the experimental...
03 April 2021 2,829 4 View
Dear colleagues! I plan to check cytokine production by my WT and KO Tregs following activation, particularly, IL10 and TGFb (TGFb1 or LAP, exactly) as these are reported to be the major...
03 December 2020 9,580 5 View
Hello everyone! I have the following question: I tried to expand CD4 Tregs in vitro to get enough material for WB or any other application. This is my first trial with them. So, I`ve got FoxP3+...
14 September 2020 6,624 6 View
Hello dear colleagues I plan to test the primary antiviral response of CD8 T-cells of different genotypes, WT and with total knockout of some gene. The problem is that the KO mice that I plan to...
23 July 2019 1,965 3 View
Hi, guys I`m quite fresh in the field of culturing CD8 T-cells in vitro and I need an advice. I want to test if a population of CD8 T-cells may give protection against LCMV-Armstrong virus...
01 January 1970 6,102 5 View