Is attached a picture of the agarose 1% gel of my DNA extraction (fungi, Colletotrichum).
The bands are smeared and appeared a second band next to the well.
I used CTAB 2% as extraction buffer (980 uL of buffer + 20 uL of Proteinase K, overnight at 50 C; Proteinase K inativation at 95 C for 10 min; added 2 uL of RNAse, 1 hour at 37 C). The aqueous phase was separated by 1 wash with 700 uL of CIA, and another wash with 700 uL of CIA and 200 uL of CTAB 10%(after the second wash, almost didn't see the protein layer). The DNA was precipitated with isopropanol (overnight) and pellet was washed with 70% ethanol. The pellet was diluted in 60 uL of TE (the pellet dissolved fast).
The DNA concentration was between 200 -- 600 ng/uL. The 260/280 and 260/230 ratio were between 1.7 -- 2.0.
I used 2 uL of sample and 2 uL of xylen cianol + gelred to run the samples in the agarose 1% gel. I ran at 60V for 2 hours.
About the smeared bans, did I use a small amount of sample to load the well?
And what`s this second band band close to the well?
The DNA will be used to genomic library. May this second band cause any problem?
Thank you!