The literature reveals that the Corona Virus was first characterized during the decade of 1960. Since its characterization, the virus was held responsible for causing upper respiratory tract infection. The SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome )and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and some other upper respiratory infections owe to the Coronavirus since years. There are numerous studies conducted on this virus, which reveal that the virus infects both birds and animals and can be cross transmitted among birds, animals and humen. Despite all these facts and lethal effects, the world did not see any epidemic or pandemic causing deaths of hundred thousands peoples worldwide as we see today. Here, the question arises what is new in this novel strain of Coronavirus, which has made it so contracting and lethal? The US president in his speech has revealed that this death toll is not abnormal and not unusual. Can we say that 2020 years pandemic owes to its overwhelming projection worldwide unlike the past? Or it is really a new highly lethal strains different from those characterized in the past. If so how this strain has evolved? What may be the factors responsible for making this novel strain so lethal if it has evolved through the natural selection process? What is the reality behind conspiracy of its evolution through laboratories to be used as biological weapon?

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