Please help!

Recently our SYBR Green qPCR reaction using our housekeeping gene, RPLP0, and all the same conditions stopped working one day to the next.

We isolate RNA from tissue culture human cells via Trizol-chloroform extraction, treat with Invitrogen DNase I, and use 1ug of DNase treated RNA in a Superscript IV RT reaction. We then dilute cDNA 1:4 for use with the Applied Biosystems Power SYBR Green mix. 

Recently, only the first undiluted point of our standard curve amplifies - every 1:10 dilution after that only comes up with a very flat amplification curve. We've tried a different lot of SYBR Green, ordered new primers (and run them out on an agarose gel to make sure they weren't degraded), different primers, new water, made new cDNA, not DNase treating... I'm at wit's end! We have used these exact samples before and gotten a beautiful standard curve using the same primers, master mix, and run parameters.

I've taken the products from a qPCR run and run them out on an agarose gel, and nothing seems to be amplifying in the 1:10-1:1000 dilutions. What could be inhibiting the reactions in only those dilutions?

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