I'm currently using RPE1 cells, and I am having big problems to make them grow. The people around me try to help me troubleshoot, but we have not been able to determine why these easy cells will not grow for me.

We are all using the same cell line, the same serum, the same media, flasks, incubators etc. I've looked over the others' shoulders and they over mine. The one thing I have not been able to compare with them is the seeding density, since none of them counts their cells. They just pass them at 1/10 for 48 hrs or 1/15 over the weekend.

What I (think that I) need to know is:

- when to pass the cells, i.e. what 80% confluency looks like (if 80% is good to pass). A picture would be wonderful! Or a comment on this image (good to pass, under confluent or over confluent?) http://www.atcc.org/~/media/Attachments/2/A/5/5/1932.ashx

- how many cells correspond to a "good-to-pass-confluency" (total cell count in a 80%-confluent T25 / T75 flask, or cells per cm^2)?

- how many cells to seed (in a T25 flask or per cm^2)?

- I'm also curious to know how sensitive these cells are to overconfluency and contact inhibition in your hands. What do you do if your flask is (over)full, business as usual or throw all away to start with new cells?

- any other things I might do wrong, even "ridiculous" points are welcome!

I'd really appreciate to hear about your experiences, since I'm completely blocked in my experiences when the cells, my tool, is misbehaving.

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