I had frozen my RAW 264.7 cells from T-75 flask having 80-85% confluency, washed with 3ml PBS respectively. After washing, I added 3ml of fresh media and scrapped all the cells (also, could we use trypsin for this cell, if yes then how?) and spin down @ 1200RPM for 5 minutes. Discarded the supernatant and again added the fresh media about 3ml and mixed uniformly. From the 3ml media containing cells, I added 3ml of Recovery™ Cell Culture Freezing Medium (Catalog number: 12648010) and made 6 vials and stored them at degrading temperature (Like stating from -20 to -196).

But for reviving the same cells, cells (RAW 264.7) aren't adhering on culture plates (per se T-25 flask).

So, suggest any right way to run my culture smoothly.

Medium used: DMEM


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