My 3T3L1-mcherry fibroblast grows perfectly fine, but on differentiation, the cells are getting contaminated. These cells take two weeks to differentiate. For the first week, I grow them in DMEM+10%BCS. For the second week, I follow:


Monday:IBMX, Dexamethasone, Insulin, and troglitazone-- in DMEM+10%FBS

Wednesday: Insulin in DMEM+10%FBS

Friday: DMEM+10%FBS

The cells are differentiated completely by Tuesday of the third week.

I have been encountering contamination during the second week mostly by Friday; OR the cells get contaminated on Tuesday of the third week, by which it should be ready.

This never happened before by started happening for a month and m unable to figure out why! I also tried making new media, but it's not helpful.

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