I'm having an issue that is possibly due to the QIAamp DNA extraction?

I am extracting DNA from laser capture microdissection (LCM) of frozen section material. What I have been doing is cutting about 65 um2 and 650 um2 of material in separate tubes and then going straight into the the LCM protocol in the QIAamp Micro kit;

1) 15 uL ATL buffer applied to the sample

2) Add 10uL Prot K

3) 56 degrees overnight

4) Add 25uL ATL

5) Add 50uL buffer AL (I have been adding carrier RNA here; 1uL of 1ug/uL)

6) Add Ethanol

7-13) Washes and elute. For elution I have been warming up my water and incubating for 5 min to maximise yield. Additionally I been running the eluate back through the column again.

When I measure my DNA on a Qubit after all of this I am typically getting from 0.15 - 0.3ng/uL in an eluate of 40uL for all my samples, irrespective of the amount cut i.e. the 650 um2 samples yield roughly the same concentration of DNA as the 65 um2. Any ideas why?

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