I am trying to amplify long genes (6Kb-12Kb) using cDNA as template. The RT I used was the SuperScript III with cDNA synthesis capacity is up to 12Kb, the template is an AT-rich genome.

I did check the RNA quality by measuring the 260:30 and 260:28 ratio, and is ok from 1.8 to 2.0. I treated the RNA with DNaseI previous to the RT and I tested by qPCR to confirm the cDNA synthesis using a housekeeping gene.

I did use one HiFi TaKaRa Taq polymerase which theoretically amplifies long fragments. I optimized the PCR protocol on genomic DNA and I confirm the amplification of the large fragments of my interest, now when I try the same protocol used on genomic DNA I do not get amplification.

Does anybody have experiences in long rage PCR using cDNA as template? Can somebody help me with suggestions?

Thanks a lot, those experiments constituted the last ones to finish my thesis and I don’t want to be stucked in this rut.

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