01 January 2015 14 9K Report

As everyone knows: 

Vmax = Kcat x [E]t 

with [E]t is total enzyme CONCENTRATION

Vmax unit eg umol.min-1 (Im sorry, I mistyped this before)

Kcat unit should be min-1 or s-1

So my question is, if the [E]t is really a concentration, we can never get the unit for Kcat as min-1 or s-1 but there always the volume unit appears along with the time unit, such as ml.ml-1. 

However, if you use the unit mol for [E], you will get the unit for Kcat as s-1 or min-1.

This raises to me a question that do people really mean [E] as the concentration with the unit e.g. mol.l-1 or do they mean [E] as the AMOUNT of enzyme with the unit of mole only?

Thank you.

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