04 April 2017 29 2K Report

Perhaps this is a long standing question that bothers biologists, especially those at the early stage like me. 

So for example, I have a set of data with n = 3. Let say: 

Control: 33, 70, 56

Condition 1: 211, 184, 309

And I want to compare between these two to see if they are actually different. Assume that the process of obtaining these data is completely randomised. 

My first instinct is to test its normality. But is it really meaningful to do so since you only have n = 3? I mean the test wouldn't have as much power. 

Even after testing for normality, and the result showed up normal, would you recommend log transform these data? I did actually check if log works and it seems to me that it gives relatively nicer distributed data (just approximate): 

CT: 1.5, 1.8, 1.7

Condition 1: 2.3, 2.26, 2.5

Do you think this is necessary? t-test definitely gives significant result for this log-transform data. Without log transform, the data are still significant (with parametric test) however.

What do you think? Any experienced statistician enlightens me?

Thank you very much

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