30 Questions 192 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from P.K. Karmakar
Dear Colleagues, I would like to request various observational evidences about the existence of diverse (nucleus) acoustic waves in the interiors of compact astrophysical objects, such as white...
18 August 2023 3,321 0 View
It is extensively long-familiar that all-rounding pandemic disruptions transform offline synchronous (face-to-face, real) classrooms into online asynchronous (screen-to-screen, virtual) ones. It...
30 June 2021 957 46 View
The existence of turbulence in astrophysical fluids has been living as a well-known unsolved problem for a couple of decades. The range transitions among three distinct scales of the micro-fluidic...
01 June 2021 4,507 8 View
Should higher education be driven fully only by academic merit? Could it be contagious at free of cost?
06 February 2020 7,378 3 View
Academic organizations are national and international in outlook in paper. Why some people, despite higher education, have failed to get rid of regionalism and politics in eduspheres?
03 February 2020 7,692 7 View
Dear Colleagues, It is a fact that dust is ubiquitous almost in all the sectors of astrophysical plasma fluids. Can anyone give the quantitative values of the "dust-to-gas ratio" in varied...
17 April 2019 8,693 0 View
We are often habituated to see "dispersive waves in media" and "waves in dispersive media". So, a natural fundamental question arises in our mind. What is, or are dispersive in nature - "wave",...
26 February 2019 406 11 View
A three-dimensional (3-D, nonplanar) geometrical configuration of astrophysical fluids could be conveniently visualized. What is a justified way to visualize one-dimensional (1-D, planar)...
12 January 2019 3,216 1 View
I have a query on equation of state for astrophysical fluids. What should be a realistic and appropriate form of the equation of state to describe astrophysical fluids?
07 January 2019 5,487 3 View
The constitutive dust grains in astrophysical environments are partially ionized. What should be the most appropriate (effective) form of dust-dust interaction in astrophysical environments? In a...
30 December 2018 5,276 2 View
It is gravity, but not electric field, that matters more in astrofluids. Why is then gravity-induced electric polarization is so intense in such fluids?
30 December 2018 4,873 12 View
Astrophysical fluids are gyratory and nonthermal in collective response. Is there any polytropic equation of state involving fluid rotation and nonthermal effects?
27 December 2018 712 0 View
Can any one suggest some classics dealing with cosmic radiations and their hydrodynamics from stability viewpoint? Interest lies both on the local as well as global behaviours of cosmic fluids.
22 December 2018 3,692 1 View
Electric field is widely seen to possess only scalar potential; but, magnetic field has both scalar and vector potentials. Can anybody insightfully explain the basic physics responsible behind the...
28 October 2018 8,950 5 View
Can anyone explain physically why nonlinearity causes wave steepening and dispersion causes wave broadening effects? Demonstrations with insightful references are welcome.
01 August 2018 5,419 13 View
How do we nicely represent specific entropy conservation law in a mathematical form in diversified astrofluids?
29 July 2018 1,163 1 View
I want to get insightful helps in understanding the mechanism of peakon- or compacton-formation in plasmas. Could anyone help me out?
22 July 2018 3,268 0 View
Spherical waves are ubiquitous in astrophysical environments. Can someone provide some useful references on spherical wave analysis in spherical gravito-magnetized fluids?
22 July 2018 563 7 View
I want to see a composite conjoint dispersion relation containing both "gas-acoustic" and "ion-acoustic" waves in partially ionized fluids. Both the wave features should be separable in...
08 July 2018 4,182 4 View
Electron inertial has always been usually ignored in normal plasma dynamical descriptions as far as seen. Is there any point-by-point analysis drawing a relative contrast between the plasma...
08 July 2018 7,997 2 View
Astrofluids are characterized with the help of various thermodynamic properties and associated conservation laws. In this context, can anyone give a realistic correlation between the specific...
06 July 2018 9,897 5 View
Can two-component plasma fluids (electronic+ionic) be ever treated as a self-gravitating system in any of the real astronomical situations? Please note that a mean-fluid (MHD or EHD) approach is...
01 July 2018 3,287 10 View
The electrostatic Coulomb law has a number of demerits. Based on it, we semi-classically derive the Bohr atomic theory. Therefore, a natural question arises in fundamentality. How much is the Bohr...
26 June 2018 4,353 5 View
Normally, people apply plane-wave analyses even in a curved geometry, often irrespective of wavelengths. It is mostly encountered in the area of astrophysics and space sciences, even without...
23 June 2018 7,242 6 View
I believe that the method of deriving the (linear) dispersion relation for any excitable mode in different plasmas with the help of normal mode analysis is well known. Why is the plasma dielectric...
20 June 2018 4,159 3 View
What is the "Biomechanics" of "heliotropism" as exhibited by Sunflowers? Can any one technically explain the physics and chemistry responsible behind?
01 January 1970 8,875 7 View
It is well-known from the literature that there exist diverse acoustic waves in compact astrophysical objects, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, etc. Can anyone please give us a concise glimpse...
01 January 1970 383 1 View
Can anybody suggest the most accurate laws dealing with grain mass distribution in naturalistic astrospace? Papers, books, or chapters dealing with the diversified forms of grain-mass...
01 January 1970 5,909 0 View
What are the major unsolved theoretic problems on the astrophysical dust molecular clouds and their evolutionary dynamics?
01 January 1970 9,875 1 View
Can everything (in the form of inputs plus subsequent outputs alongside other similar activities) in academics (by academicians, scientists, and researchers) be parameterized and quantified...
01 January 1970 8,328 0 View